From SCRC General (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) in CARLI Digital Collections.

I’m not a big fan of winter, but I feel like if I’m going to be cold and miserable, there might as well be snow.  

January 3, 2014

Changes to CARLI Membership Criteria and Benefits

This fall, as part of CARLI's ongoing efforts to gather information about member libraries, the CARLI Board and staff visited twelve CARLI Governing and Affiliate member libraries. Informed by these visits and previous Board discussions, the Board of Directors approved several changes to CARLI membership criteria and benefits at their December meeting. Beginning July 1, 2014, CARLI Governing member institutions must be Not-for-Profit, and the institution must be incorporated in Illinois.    

December 19, 2013
By: Margaret Chambers

From Embellished Title Pages (University of Illinois at Chicago) in CARLI Digital Collections.

The engraved frontispiece to the 1724 edition of William Cowper’s anatomical treatise illustrates more than muscles.

December 19, 2013

From Historic Maps, 1540-1942 (Lewis University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

This is a guide map for the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 (AKA the World’s Columbian Exposition). I decided to search across the CARLI digital collections and see what I could find on it. A sampling follows.

December 10, 2013

Here is a selection of videos designed to teach library staff or users how to care for materials.  While many of the pointers are the same, the ways in which the information is presented varies widely.

Written by David Bell, Eastern Illinois University, CARLI Preservation Committee member

December 5, 2013
By: Nicole Swanson

From The Jack Bradley Photojournalism Collection  (Bradley University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

This image reminds me of a poem by T.E. Hulme:

"Above the Dock"
Above the quiet dock in midnight,
Tangled in the tall mast’s corded height,
Hangs the moon. What had seemed so far away
Is but a child’s balloon, forgotten after play.


December 2, 2013

From: Catholic Theological Union

Decreta conciliorum Baltimorensium. (1865)








November 27, 2013
By: Amy Maroso

From WVC Oubache (Illinois Eastern Community Colleges) in CARLI Digital Collections.

Wabash Valley College currently fields five varsity athletics squads, one of which, the men's basketball team, won a NJCAA national championship in 2001 and featured two future NBA players. Fifty years ago, however, the school's athletics programs were more humble. In the 1963 edition of The Oubache, Wabash Valley College yearbook, the men's basketball team is followed a page later by what appears to be the only other organized athletic endeavor at the school, bowling. Pictures of bowlers appear repeatedly in the yearbook, and it seems to have been a popular activity at the school.

November 18, 2013

From Sharing Our Past, A Visual History (University of St. Francis) in CARLI Digital Collections.

CSF students show off their costumes at the Halloween Sophomore Party held on October 31, 1936.

November 1, 2013

Recently, my 10 year old nephew showed me his book report in the form of a board game, which made me think about how dry adult education tends to feel in comparison to some of the fun ways children learn. However, recent research indicates that creative play encourages learning, even for adults. We tend to view children as not-quite-formed adults who need coddling. Flipping this belief, Kets de Vries (2012) argues that “better and more respective teaching would follow if … [instructors] thought of adults as atrophied children” (p. 18).

November 1, 2013
