The work of the CARLI committees and task forces is vital to the successful operation and continued evolution of CARLI. To function effectively, CARLI committees and task forces rely upon broad based and active participation from member institutions of all sizes and types. Service on CARLI committees is a year-round commitment that affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the consortium and its services. To volunteer to serve on a CARLI committee, or task force, please complete the form below by May 3, 2024.
CARLI seeks to include as many individuals and institutions as possible in committee service, so committee rosters are limited to one person from any institution and reappointments are not routinely made.
Individuals accepting appointments to CARLI committees and task forces are expected to participate fully and actively in the work of the group, including regular attendance at meetings and committee/task force-sponsored events held twelve months a year. CARLI makes every effort to conduct the majority of committee business via web conferencing technologies and conference calls. However, service may require time and/or travel expenses for one or more in person meetings each year. Anyone volunteering to serve on a CARLI committee or task force should seek appropriate administrative approval before volunteering.
The form below indicates which CARLI committees and task forces currently seek members. CARLI accepts volunteer nominations throughout the year, even when no vacancies exist. Forms submitted between March 11 and May 3, 2024 will be considered for initial FY 2025 appointments. The list of all volunteers will be retained until March 1, 2025 and will be used to fill committee vacancies as they occur.
NOTE: To ensure that volunteer information does not become dated, CARLI clears its volunteer database at the beginning of the annual nomination cycle. Only submissions dated March 11, 2024 or later will be used to make appointments for terms beginning July 1, 2024. If you wish to serve on a committee, please fill out the online form, even if you have previously submitted a form.
The nomination cycle for terms beginning July 1, 2024, opens on March 11, 2024.