CARLI has completed reindexing of all VuFind local catalogs. The reindexing takes advantage of new data elements in RDA catalog records, and also of some previously unexploited data elements in AACR2 and older catalog records. We expect a new index for the I-Share union catalog to be ready within the next few days.

August 22, 2013
By: Margaret Chambers

Read the CARLI News for the latest information on CARLI events, new and ongoing projects, product and service updates and upcoming deadlines. Issues are sent to all subscribers of the “Announce” listserv. 

July 12, 2013
By: Margaret Chambers

From John Wesley Powell Collection of Pueblo Pottery (Illinois Wesleyan University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

This week’s Featured Image installment is a chorus of voices responding to this photograph of a pueblo ceramic cooking jar. Ellen and I invited people to take a look and tell us what they thought about it. Here are the results.

June 26, 2013

The Olympic Games, Stockholm, 1912: Page 245
From Spalding's Soccer Foot Ball Guide (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) in CARLI Digital Collections.

When a collection title tells you pretty much exactly what you're going to get, it's the unexpected find that delights.


June 19, 2013

From Campus Archival Documents (University of Illinois at Springfield) in CARLI Digital Collections.

A 1970s political protest with style gets the "Featured Image" authors talking.

June 6, 2013

Read the CARLI News for the latest information on CARLI events, new and ongoing projects, product and service updates and upcoming deadlines. Issues are sent to all subscribers of the “Announce” listserv. 

May 30, 2013
By: Margaret Chambers

From Manuscripts and Special Collections (University of Illinois at Springfield) in CARLI Digital Collections.

A menu and program from the May 31, 1889 celebration of Walt Whitman's 70th birthday tells us that the guests dined on a "Feast of Reason" and considered "The Flow of Soul" afterwards. The eight course extravagant meal must have been planned will in advance to honor the renowned poet.

May 28, 2013

From EBR African American Cultural Life (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) in CARLI Digital Collections.

What I like about this image is it is a snapshot – literally and figuratively – of the beginning of an enormously influential and vibrant professional life. It is also so 1970s: Redmond’s billing is “Black Poet”; his reading is accompanied by interpretative dance and percussion. The drawing at the top of the flyer is fantastic.


May 22, 2013

The election and appointment process for new members of the CARLI Board of Directors has been completed. New Board members elected to 3-year terms beginning July 1, 2013 are Brian Beecher (Elgin Community College), Mary Case (University of Illinois at Chicago), and Scott Walter (DePaul University). Board members elected to one-year terms are Njambi Kamoche (William Rainey Harper College), and Patrick Dawson (Northern Illinois University). 

May 17, 2013
By: Margaret Chambers

From Student Publications (Western Illinois University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

The front page of the May 12, 1970 Western Catalyst details the Western Illinois University student protests the previous week, precipitated by the fatal shooting of four Kent State University student anti-Vietnam War demonstrators.






May 15, 2013
