Let's explore this challenging topic together with some helpful tips and information from Donnella Tilery as you plan your 2025.
Donnella will address creating employee training, navigating employee turnover, managing challenging personalities, working with human resources, and a few other things that might make it harder to pull the team together.
Plenty of time will be reserved at the end for Q&A. Attendees are more than welcome to forward questions ahead of time to LibraryLinkNJ for the presenter. We'll try to address your specific challenges in the presentation and during the Q&A.
All library staff are welcome to attend, from circulation staff to administration and management. In order to offer a safe, confidential space for all, this presentation will not be recorded.
About the Presenter:
Donnella Tilery is a Talent Development Manager for Somerset County Library System of New Jersey, with responsibilities for hiring, recruitment, performance reviews, staffing, benefits, and management training. She is also a member of the Professional Resume Writers and Career Coaching Association, the Society of Human Resources Management, and the National Resume Writing Association.
Register to attend.
Hosted by LibraryLinkNJ