Related product OpenAthens


Revised: March 3, 2025

Subscribing to OpenAthens

CARLI purchased OpenAthens from EBSCO for Governing Member libraries from 2020 through June 30, 2023 to assist libraries in establishing single sign-on service for Alma, Primo VE, and electronic resources. No charges were assessed to members using Open Athens during the initial three-year period. 

CARLI member libraries that wish to subscribe for the first time or continue to subscribe to OpenAthens directly for FY26 (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026) and future fiscal years will need to choose that option in the CARLI Consortia Manager system during the "Software as a Service" (SaaS) Cycle each year. For more information on how to do this, see OpenAthens options in the CARLI Consortia Manager System. Pricing can be found within the CARLI Consortia Manager system.

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For I-Share Libraries:

  • In Alma, is there an Integration Profiles (Alma Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles) configured with an Integration Type of “SAML” that uses a URL through OpenAthens in the “Action” tab?
    • If yes, staff user authentication to Alma and end user authentication in Primo VE is going through Open Athens.  You should see usage in OpenAthens Reporting.
  • In Alma, is there an Integration Profiles Alma Configuration > General > External Systems > Integration Profiles) configured with an Integration Type of “Resolver Proxy” that uses a URL through OpenAthens in the “Action” tab?
    • If yes, your library is likely proxying electronic resources through OpenAthens. Check additional details on usage in OpenAthens Reporting.
  • In OpenAthens Administration > Reporting, usage by Resource can viewed.
    • For I-Share Libraries, there are separate Resources for Alma (staff logins) and Primo VE (user logins to Primo VE).
    • If your library completed Phase 2 of the OpenAthens implementation, you will see data on other Resources such as EBSCO Information Services, Elsevier, Springer, etc. depending on the resources your library subscribes to and what resources you had EBSCO staff configure for you.

For Non-I-Share Libraries:

  • In OpenAthens Administration > Reporting, Usage from by Resource can viewed.
  • If your library completed Phase 2 of the OpenAthens implementation, you will see data on other Resources such as EBSCO Information Services, Elsevier, Springer, etc. depending on the resources your library subscribes to and what resources you had EBSCO staff configure for you.

In order to use OpenAthens Reporting, you need to have an Administrator account. How do you know if someone at your library has an account, or if you have an account? If you don’t have an account, how do you get one?

Every library should have at least one OpenAthens Administrator. If you do not know your library's OpenAthens Administrator, CARLI staff can look that person up for you. .

If staff formerly working with OpenAthens cannot recall the password, file a support case with EBSCO via  EBSCO will reset password manually and share it with you securely.

If your library's OpenAthens Admin is no longer available, or you do not have an account, you can request a new account from EBSCO Support.

Select it during the SaaS (Software as a Service) FY26 cycle in the CARLI Consortia Manager system. See OpenAthens options in the CARLI Consortia Manager System for more information. As with all selections made, these commitments are binding.

Your Library needs to configure a different authentication solution before July 1, 2025.

  • Many campuses support single sign-on like SAML directly.
  • I-Share libraries will need to set up new integration profile in Alma for your new solution.
  • Please contact with any questions.

Your Library needs to configure a different proxying solution before July 1, 2025.

  • I-Share libraries will need to set up new integration profile in Alma for your new resolver proxy solution.  
  • Your library should update any proxy or link resolver settings with e-resource vendors such as EBSCOhost, ProQuest, JSTOR, etc.
  • Please contact with any questions.

OpenAthens Resources and Documentation

CARLI member libraries can submit a support request for help with OpenAthens through the EBSCO Connect portal.  If you do not have an EBSCO Connect account, you can request one on the left of the login page.

OpenAthens Onboarding Guide, a "users’ manual" for the implementation process and beyond. Reference this guide for the step-by-step setup process, information you will need to gather, tips for communicating changes to library stakeholders, and much more.

FAQs for IT, a doc that’s designed to answer initial questions from IT regarding IdP connection and beyond

Communication to library patrons, to help identify ways to market the upcoming transition to faculty, staff, and students

OpenAthens Security Guide

Security and Privacy FAQs

IP proxy and OpenAthens: a comparison

Types of accounts used in OpenAthens; see also creating personal accounts, access accounts within OpenAthens

OpenAthens usage reports

About usage reports and privacy

The library's control over attribute release

CARLI documentation on How to configure OpenAthens as a Proxy Redirector in Alma

Open Athens Health Check document from EBSCO

OpenAthens new password policy FAQ  - OpenAthens strengthened password requirements in 2022. Beginning August 15, 2022, users will be required to have passwords with at least 10 characters and must meet a minimum complexity level.

OpenAthens Training Materials

Recording of the OpenAthens Administration Training by EBSCO's Jaime Barrilleaux on 11/9/2022 - Passcode:  m3aL5W.A

Recording of OpenAthens Administration Training by EBSCO's Jaime Barrilleaux on 11/29/2022 - Passcode: F4q2cg6?

Do-it-Yourself Health Check for OpenAthens E-Learning Course - This 31-minute video course from the EBSCO training team walks you through the key maintenance areas step-by-step and provides a checklist to guide you.  Sign in with your EBSCO Connect account to get started, or request a free account from EBSCO, if needed.

OpenAthens Virtual Learning Environment - Created by OpenAthens staff, sign in with your OpenAthens admin credentials to view a selection of self-paced courses that will help you learn how to use the features and functions of OpenAthens

EBSCO Academy - Training videos, articles, and upcoming classes about OpenAthens (and other EBSCO products/services).