
Tue, Jan 14, 2025 / 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Save the Date for a Professional Development Alliance webinar on OER Ancillary Creation with Generative AI presented by Rebecca McNulty and Lily Dubach, University of Central Florida. This webinar is open to members of CARLI and the Professional Development Alliance.

Wed, Jan 15, 2025 / 9:00am to 10:30am

The Collection Management Commitee meets monthly via Zoom. 

Wed, Jan 22, 2025 / 10:00am to 11:00am

This program will assist participants to:

  • identify sources of grant funding from private and public funders;
  • highlight the essential elements of grantsmanship;
  • complete a grant proposal application package according to a Notice of Funding Opportunity;
  • take action on the proposal based on the results of the funder’s decision;
  • understand the most common missteps in preparing an application package.


  • Review of the grant submission process;
  • How to avoid common pitfalls;
  • Tips to help your application shine.

Objectives: To have a basic understanding of the grant application process and to be a more successful grant author.


Anne Craig

Since July of 2016, Anne Craig has had the privilege of serving as the Senior Director at CARLI, the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, a unit of the University of Illinois System. CARLI counts 125 academic and research libraries as its members. Anne has also been an instructor for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign iSchool since 2018, teaching “Grant Writing for Libraries” and “State Libraries and Library Consortia.”

Current grant projects: 

  • In August 2024, the University of Illinois System/CARLI was awarded a Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian planning grant for $140,000 from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 
  • In January 2024, the Secretary of State/Illinois State Library awarded $300,000 to the University of Illinois System/CARLI for programmatic administration of their Open Educational Resources grant program. 
  • In September 2021, the University of Illinois System/CARLI was awarded a three-year $2 million grant from the US Department of Education’s Open Textbooks Pilot Program. 

Prior to July 2016, Anne was the Director of the Illinois State Library for 11 years under Secretary of State Jesse White, holding various roles at the ISL since 1989.

Register to attend. 

Sponsored by CARLI

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 / 10:00am to 11:30am

Resource Sharing Committee, 10:00am-11:30am

Thu, Feb 13, 2025 / 12:30pm to 2:30pm

Instruction Committee Monthly Meeting, 12:30- 2:00 pm

Wed, Feb 19, 2025 / 9:00am to 10:30am

The Collection Management Commitee meets monthly via Zoom. 

Tue, Mar 4, 2025 / 1:00pm to 2:30pm

In this webinar, hear how a diverse group of institutions are responding to Illinois students’ course material experiences and preferences expressed in the 2023 Illinois Course Materials Survey: Student Perspective. Representatives from the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, College of DuPage, Lincoln Land Community College, Millikin University, and Southern Illinois University Carbondale will describe their institutional support and methods for distributing the statewide survey, their methods for analyzing and sharing the survey data, and what impacts and benefits have resulted.  


Elizabeth Clarage, CARLI
Scott Ebbing, Lincoln Land Community College
Amber Burtis, Southern Illinois University Carbondale;
Lauren Kosrow, College of DuPage;
Tammy Kuhn-Schnell, Lincoln Land Community College;
Michele Leigh, CARLI;
Amanda Pippitt; Millikin University;
Nicole Swanson, CARLI

Please save the date. Registration will open soon.

Thu, Mar 13, 2025 / 10:00am to 11:30am

Resource Sharing Committee, 10:00am-11:30am

Thu, Mar 13, 2025 / 12:30pm to 2:30pm

Instruction Committee Monthly Meeting, 12:30- 2:00 pm

Wed, Mar 19, 2025 / 9:00am to 10:30am

The Collection Management Commitee meets monthly via Zoom. 
