
Thu, Mar 27, 2025 / 10:00am to 11:00am

Robin Fowler and Kelly Handy at the University of Florida will discuss the implementation of a rule-based chatbot to accompany the UF Libraries’ Ask A Librarian virtual reference service. The goal of the chatbot was to streamline the virtual chat experience while still encouraging librarian-patron interactions. It outlines the development of the chat workflows for the bot through survey and analysis, workflow creation using Springshare’s chatbot tool, and implementation. The presentation will also discuss the struggles experienced during implementation, usage data and preliminary outcomes of the new chatbot, and next steps for continued improvement. 


Robin Fowler, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida (she/her), is the Physical Sciences and Engineering Librarian at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida. She spent five years as the Site Coordinator for the Ask a Librarian virtual reference service and currently serves on the RUSA-RSS Virtual Reference Services Committee. Robin has presented at the North American Virtual Online Conference, ALA Annual Conference, and FACRL Annual Conference, and was a research team member on the IMLS-funded project, “Researching Students’ Information Choices: Determining Identity and Judging Credibility in Digital Spaces.”  Robin’s research interests include the impact of emerging technologies in academic libraries on student success, and the relationship between student wellness and student engagement initiatives in academic libraries. Prior to her work at the UF Libraries, Robin was a School Library Media Specialist. 

Kelly Handy, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida (she/her), is the Assistant User Services Manager and Public Services Associate at Library West at the University of Florida. She is the coordinator and trainer for the University of Florida LibAnswers ticketing system, as well as the student assistant supervisor for her department. Kelly has presented at the Access Services in Libraries Annual Conference, the Southern Library Support Staff Annual Conference, the NEFLIN Annual Conference, and FACRL Annual Conference. Kelly’s research interests include staff/student support and wellness, neurodiversity in the workplace, and finding new ways to share resources and communicate best with preferred learning styles. She recently became involved with the Diverse BookFinder team. Prior to her work at the UF Libraries, Kelly worked for a public library system for 17 years in the Children’s and Teen Services and Member Services departments. 

Register to attend.

Hosted by FLVC

Thu, Mar 27, 2025 / 10:00am to 11:00am

These monthly, informal, agenda-free meetings provide a platform for you to talk with other directors about topics on your radar and/or updates from your library. CARLI usually provides updates as well. CARLI rotates the meetings (day of the week, time of day) to accommodate busy calendars. We do our best to avoid conferences, holidays, and other conflicts. Please let me know about times/days that never work for you. If you cannot attend, you may send a representative. We look forward to seeing you all for conversation and updates!

Check your CARLI Governing Directors email for connection information.

The meetings are recorded. The recordings are posted for 30 days here:

Thu, Mar 27, 2025 / 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Elissah Becknell will kick off the Engaging with Critical Cataloging Past and Present webinar series with an introduction to Library of Congress subject authority work. Learn how Library of Congress Subject Headings are updated and maintained in the Library of Congress Authority File. Make sense of how different groups like the Program for Cooperative Cataloging SACO Funnels and the ALA Subject Authority Committee work with the Library of Congress to update and grow the subject authority file. See how past radical cataloging projects, like the Hennepin County Library Bulletins and Authority File, have informed and inspired current critical cataloging projects. Get inspired to do this work or get excited for later presentations in this series!

This Engaging with Critical Cataloging Past and Present webinar series will introduce Library of Congress Subject Headings from the perspective of catalogers engaged in subject authority work. Learn about some of the key historical figures and projects in Minnesota radical cataloging. Hear from contemporary catalogers inspired by this radical history to continue working towards critical, equitable, and respectful cataloging standards. Please register for all the sessions you are interested in attending.


Elissah Becknell is the Cataloging & Metadata Education Librarian at Minitex in the Digital Initiatives & Metadata Education unit. She develops and presents training on library cataloging and metadata standards for library workers across the midwest. She received her MLIS from the University of Saint Catherine. 

Register to attend this session or register to attend all sessions of interest in this series.

Sponsored by Minitex

Fri, Mar 28, 2025 / 8:30am to 10:00am
Tue, Apr 1, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 7: Authority Control

Authority control is a process for organizing information through standardization of terminology, so that patrons may find resources effectively and unambiguously. Authority control is also a frequent and ongoing aspect of resource management, as accepted terms may change over time, and inaccuracies may be discovered.

This session will focus on the tools and techniques for performing authority control in CARLI’s networked environment. Practices that catalogers may implement locally on network records will be covered, including the use of different vocabularies and reparative cataloging.

  • Community Zone authorities and vocabularies
  • Network Zone authorities and vocabularies
  • Searching authority records and headings
  • Linking bibliographic access points to authorized headings
  • Alma scheduled jobs: Link BIB Headings, Preferred Term Correction
  • Authority Control Task List
  • Reparative authorities practices 
Wed, Apr 2, 2025 / 9:00am to 10:30am

The CARLI OER Committee meets monthly.

This virtual meeting is held via Zoom / Conference Call.

Contact for attendance details.

Wed, Apr 2, 2025 / 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Do you have questions about the Illinois Support for the Creation of Open Educational Resources grant (SCOERs) or the OER funding from the Secretary of State/Illinois State Library? Do you need guidance creating your OER or ancillary materials?  

If so please feel free to join us with all your OER related questions. Registration is not required.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4596 7645
Password: 271282

Sun, Apr 6, 2025 / 2:00am to 3:00am

Ex Libris will perform maintenance on our I-Share Alma and Primo VE environments to apply the latest release.

This upgrade will occur between 2:00am-3:00am Central.  Access to your environment may be unavailable during the time of installation.

Release and Maintenance Schedule
Alma Release Notes
Primo VE Release Notes
Ex Libris System Status Page - CARLI I-Share Environments are on ALMA NA06 and PRIMO VE NA06

Mon, Apr 7, 2025 / 9:30am to 4:00pm

The Illinois Open Education Summit seeks to bring together people who want to create a shared vision for Open Education in Illinois and develop or expand their Open Education programs and initiatives. Whether you are from a small institution or a large university, are beginning your open educational resources journey or already have an established program, the Open Education Summit invites librarians, faculty, academic leadership, instructional designers, and distance education staff to join together with partners across the state to build foundational knowledge and fashion a vision for the future of Open Education in Illinois. We are encouraging institutions to put together a team of up to 3 Open Education champions (both aspiring and active) to bring their diverse perspectives to the event.

Highlights of this day will include:

  • Keynote presentation discussing the state of Open Education in Illinois and in the midwest more broadly
  • Roundtable discussions on Open Education at large, Open Educational Resources, and Open Pedagogy and learner-centered practice
  • Networking opportunities to connect Open Education practitioners
  • Contribute to a conversation around building a statewide vision for Open Education in Illinois
  • Participant insights will be collected throughout the day to document the current Illinois OER landscape and collective visions for the future of OER in Illinois 

View the full agenda and optional introductory resources.

Date and Location
April 7, 2025
9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Illinois State University Alumni Center, Room 118
1101 N. Main Street, Normal 61761

The ISU Alumni Center offers free parking to attendees in the lot adjacent to the Alumni Center. There are 6 ADA compliant parking spaces located outside the Alumni Center.
Campus parking map


Institutions are encouraged to bring a team of up to 3 OER champions to ensure a broad perspective of Open Education in the day’s discussions. Institutions should select a primary contact to complete the registration and receive any questions regarding registrations. The primary contact will provide basic contact information (names and emails) for their team of attendees on the "register" tab above.

Registration is now open for individuals and additional institutional teams. Individual registrants will be able to participate in all Summit events and are encouraged to add their perspectives in all conversations. Individual and Additional Institutional registration will close on February 28, 2025.

Please note, all teams who register will initially be placed on a wait list. Teams will receive a confirmation message when their registration has been accepted.

After registration closes on February 28, confirmed registrants will receive a link to provide individual registration information relating to attending the summit. 

Attendance is free. Lunch will be provided.

For accessibility inquiries, please contact , 309-438-2754.
For registration questions, please contact .
For general inquiries about the summit, please contact

Event Sponsors and Support

Midwestern Higher Education Compact, Illinois Community College Board, Illinois Community Colleges Online, Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois, College of DuPage, Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Lincoln Land Community College, Moraine Valley Community College, Northern Illinois University

Tue, Apr 8, 2025 / 9:30am to 11:00am

CARLI’s I-Share Resource Management Training series focuses on how libraries may manage collections and metadata in Alma effectively, with an emphasis on Alma’s functionalities for management of physical and electronic resources. This series will cover many topics that involve cataloging as well as the interaction of metadata with other library system functions, such as acquisitions, circulation, and discovery. Each session will highlight different processes and workflows for completing resource management tasks in both institutional and consortial perspectives.

Series content is aimed at those who are responsible for day-to-day work with MARC metadata and inventory data in an I-Share institution. Staff that are responsible for functions in acquisitions, fulfillment, discovery, or reporting may find the information useful as well. Primary emphasis will be on taking advantage of Alma functionality to complete tasks within resource management workflows. Limited discussion on broader cataloging practice and theory may be addressed as time allows.

Each 90-minute session will consist of 55-70 minutes of presentation, with periodic spaces for questions and exploration. Attendees will be encouraged to have examples ready for hands-on practice. 

Registration will be capped at 15 attendees per session, and sessions may be selected a la carte. Each session will be recorded and made available, and it is not necessary to register to receive access to the recording. Register here.

Session 8: Batch Processes and Record Maintenance

Nobody’s perfect, nor are the metadata in any library catalog. Finding and fixing inaccuracies along with upgrading records for changing rules and practices is as much a part of a cataloger’s job as the addition of new resources. While it may be easy to make changes to individual records, working with data in bulk requires some planning and coordination.

This session will cover the tools and techniques available for working with metadata in bulk in Alma. Options for creating record sets will be described, and practices for working with metadata at both the institution and network levels will be outlined. Additionally, several common maintenance projects will be described.

  • Creating and using record sets: text file, Excel, Analytics, search results
  • Indication rules
  • Normalization rules and zones
  • Bibliographic record maintenance projects: coordinating local and global efforts
  • Holdings record maintenance projects
  • Item record maintenance projects
  • Electronic resource duplication and overlap reports
