For a collated list, please review the Weekly highlights of the Alma and Primo VE project page.

June 10, 2019
By: Debbie Campbell

Alma Primo VE Update

It’s been a busy month on the Alma/Primo VE project! The five Vanguard libraries (NCC, NBY, SIC, UIC, and UIU) received their Alma data environments during the week of May 19, and their Primo VE access right after the Memorial Day break.

May 30, 2019
By: Michelle Haake

For a collated list, please review the Weekly highlights of the Alma and Primo VE project page.

May 30, 2019
By: Debbie Campbell

The election and appointment process for new members of the CARLI Board of Directors has been completed. 

Directors elected to 3-year terms are: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Karen Janke (Erikson Institute), and Pattie Piotrowski (University of Illinois Springfield).

The director elected to the 1-year term is Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine). 

Directors appointed to one-year terms are: Fred Barnhart (Northern Illinois University), John Small (North Central College), and Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College).

May 14, 2019
By: Michelle Haake

For a collated list, please review the Weekly highlights of the Alma and Primo VE project page.

May 8, 2019
By: Debbie Campbell

For a collated list, please review the Weekly highlights of the Alma and Primo VE project page.

May 1, 2019
By: Debbie Campbell

Alma Primo VE Update

The CARLI staff continue to work with the five "Vanguard" institutions on a rapid test migration. The Vanguard process will run through July 2019 and will be followed by a full test migration for all 91 I-Share institutions, and finally, a production load and cutover to Alma and Primo VE in June 2020 for all I-Share libraries. The five Vanguard libraries are North Central College, the Newberry Library, SIU Carbondale, UI Chicago, and UI Urbana-Champaign.

April 30, 2019
By: Michelle Haake

For a collated list, please review the Weekly highlights of the Alma and Primo VE project page.

April 23, 2019
By: Debbie Campbell
