Please join us in welcoming 4 new libraries to I-Share.

April 13, 2018
By: Margaret Chambers

Volunteer for a CARLI Committee

Each year CARLI has a number of opportunities to serve on various committees. Service on CARLI committees affords individuals a unique opportunity to use their experience and expertise to help shape the future of the consortium and its services. CARLI is now seeking volunteers to serve on nine advisory committees. Volunteers chosen will serve a three-year term, July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021. Faculty and staff members from all CARLI member libraries, with all levels of experience, are encouraged to apply.

April 13, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

CARLI is seeking nominations for candidates to fill seats on the CARLI Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the governing authority of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois.

CARLI Governing Members will elect one Board member from each of three (3) specified constituencies (public universities, community colleges, and private colleges and universities). Candidates receiving the most votes will serve three (3) year terms, July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021.

March 14, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

Annual Online Library System Certification

The annual online certification process began January 2, 2018. Certification is required of all library system members (including all CARLI libraries) in order to qualify for continuing system services and grants programs from the Illinois State Library. The window for certification will close March 31, 2018.

You can certify online

February 27, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

Register for the Copyright Q & A Webinar

There is still time to register for the March copyright webinar! 
Copyright Q&A with Sara Benson, Copyright Librarian
March 6, 10:00 am–12:00 pm

January 30, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

Annual Online Library System Certification Begins January 2

The annual online certification process begins January 2, 2018. Certification is required of all library system members (including all CARLI libraries) in order to qualify for continuing system services and grants programs from the Illinois State Library. The window for certification will close March 31, 2018. You can certify online

December 19, 2017
By: Michelle Haake

2017 Annual Meeting

There were almost 150 CARLI members in attendance for the CARLI Annual Meeting held on November 17. We want to thank everyone who made the trip to Champaign to participate. 

November 29, 2017
By: Michelle Haake

The Request for Proposal (RFP) that seeks a new library services platform to ultimately replace Voyager (the software that supports I-Share), was publicly posted on the Illinois Procurement Bulletin for Public Institutions of Higher Education.

November 20, 2017
By: Margaret Chambers

The CARLI Office strongly recommends that I-Share libraries should routinely delete obsolete patron records from their databases. I-Share libraries may use the Voyager Patron Record Purge process to remove sensitive data for patrons who are no longer affiliated with their libraries. Besides removing personal information, deleting patron records keeps your patron database more up-to-date, which will help reduce effort in any future system migration.

October 31, 2017
By: Ted Schwitzner

Some of CARLI's "Suggested Priorities for Bibliographic, Holding, and Item Record Maintenance" require that CARLI staff run reports centrally to gather the details efficiently for all libraries. One such report is "MFHD_866withURL," which identifies holding records (i.e., MFHDs) that contain one or more 866 fields that also contain a URL (as identified by presence of "http").

October 30, 2017
By: Ted Schwitzner
