
I-Share Call Slips during Winter Break

With the end of the semester and holiday closures fast approaching, all I-Share libraries need to remember to extend the dates for all of your library’s call slip queues to cover the days your library will be closed.
The more libraries that follow the directions in the Best Practice, the better service all patrons receive.

Please contact the with any questions.

CARLI Webinar: Overview of the I-Share (UB) Resource Sharing Environment

Overview of the I-Share (UB) Resource Sharing Environment: Background, Relationships, and Processes.

The CARLI Office will be offering a webinar, “Overview of the I-Share Universal Borrowing (UB) Resource Sharing Environment: Background, Relationships, and Processes” on Thursday, August 4, from 1:30–2:30 pm.

Scheduled Downtime Sunday, June 26, 6AM-10AM

On Sunday, June 26, all I-Share/Voyager-related CARLI-supported systems will go offline for maintenance sometime between 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM.

The length of downtime is estimated to be 30 minutes.

I-Share/Voyager services include: VuFind local catalogs, the I-Share union catalog, WebVoyage local catalogs, Z39.50, Voyager staff clients, and Voyager MS Access Reporting.  (Voyager Offline Backup Circ may be used during the downtime, if needed.)

New I-Share Libraries: Searching & Requesting via VuFind & UB Training

Place: CARLI Office
100 Trade Centre Drive, Suite 303
Champaign, IL 61820
Directions and Parking

Trainer: Debbie Campbell, Library Services Coordinator, CARLI Office

Lunch: Provided

Intended audience: Staff at new I-Share libraries. Note: this is basic training covering the topics noted below.

I-SHARE Fines and Fine Notice Policy

Waiving Fines

I-SHARE library staff will waive any fine owed, with the exception of fines/fees for lost items, by another institution’s patron up to the amount of $4.99 per item. This policy is intended to prevent borrowers from being blocked due to small billing amounts and to prevent libraries from sending bills for small charges.

Notice Generation

I-SHARE libraries will set a $5.00 minimum balance on notices for fineable Universal Borrowing patron types.