Please plan to join us on Friday, November 2, 10:00-3:00 pm, at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign for the 2018 CARLI Annual Meeting. The morning meeting will also feature a report from CARLI Senior Director Anne Craig, a presentation from Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe about CARLI Counts, and an I-Share Next Update. In the afternoon CARLI Committees/Task Forces will present their annual projects from FY 2018 with an open discussion of the projects to wrap up our day.

October 23, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

It is with great pleasure that we make the following announcement:

Ex Libris Alma has been chosen for our next I-Share platform! Alma will replace Voyager and SFX in 2020 for the 91 institutions that are part of CARLI’s I-Share resource sharing system. We look forward to Alma helping CARLI extend and expand the resource sharing and collaborative programs that our consortium has offered our members for almost 40 years.

October 17, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

Register Now for the CARLI Annual Meeting and Directors′ Meeting

Registration is open for the 2018 CARLI Annual Meeting to be held Friday, November 2 at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library are invited to attend.

Space is limited. Register by Thursday, October 25.

October 11, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

Registration is open for the 2018 CARLI Annual Meeting to be held Friday, November 2 at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library are invited to attend.

Space is limited. Register by Thursday, October 25 if you would like to attend.

September 17, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

CARLI Receives Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Grant

We are pleased to announce CARLI′s selection as a recipient of an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant, in the amount of $243,885. "CARLI Counts: Analytics and Advocacy for Service Development," is a three-year project beginning October 1, 2018. This proposal is one of only 14 funded during this cycle.

August 29, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

William Alan Schlaack, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Located on a sprawling 28 acre campus in Champaign, Illinois the Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI) serves as one of the premier firefighter training, education, and research centers in the world. Thanks to a strong affiliation with the University of Illinois the 21,000 square foot Learning Resource and Research Center is home to many workshops, research projects, and even the state’s only dedicated fire service library open to the public. On Wednesday, June 16, 2018 IFSI, in partnership with CARLI, graciously hosted the Burn Simulation and Recovery Workshop. Twenty-eight librarians from across the state were in attendance.

Fire Investigation and Fire Prevention Training Program Manager at IFSI, Chief John High spoke at length regarding working with fire professionals. This discussion transitioned into classroom-based fire extinguisher training assisted by Tim Romine, IFSI Associate Field Instructor, followed by a hands-on fire extinguisher training for attendees. IFSI instructors prepared a burn simulation of donated library materials in their on-site training building. The salvage and recovery portions of the workshop were led primarily by Jennifer Hain Teper, Head of Preservation Services for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), with assistance from Quinn Ferris, Senior Specialist Collection Conservator for UIUC.

August 27, 2018
By: Elizabeth Clarage

August 13, 2018

CARLI staff are pleased to announce that Phase 1 of the improved request functionality is now available in Production New VuFind!

August 10, 2018
By: Jessica Gibson

Save the Date: 2018 CARLI Annual Meeting and Directors' Meeting

The 2018 CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 2 at the I-Hotel Conference Center in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library is invited to attend.

A meeting of the CARLI Governing Directors will precede the Annual Meeting. More information about these meetings will be available in late August.

July 30, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

Annual Projects from CARLI Committees

We encourage you to take time to review the committee annual reports and projects for FY2018.

In addition to the committee's annual reports, the committees each work on a project that will be useful to the member libraries.

The projects for FY18 are:

June 28, 2018
By: Michelle Haake

Jamie Nelson, DePaul University

It was a beautiful sunny spring day on April 20th, 2018, but attendees at the University of Chicago Preservation Department and Oriental Institute Open Houses were happy to spend time underground, within a glass dome, in museum galleries, and in labs.  Thirty staff from twenty-seven different CARLI member libraries met at the University of Chicago Joseph Regenstein Library for coffee, donuts, and opening remarks before heading out in smaller groups to tour preservation-related departments in the Regenstein Library and the Joe and Rika Mansueto Library.

May 31, 2018
By: Elizabeth Clarage
