August 13, 2018
CARLI staff are pleased to announce that Phase 1 of the improved request functionality is now available in Production New VuFind!
This is the first phase of New VuFind’s version of the popular VuFind 0.6 functionality known as “Request First Available.” Since New VuFind is fundamentally different than VuFind 0.6, this request functionality has been re-developed from the ground up. As a result, CARLI Office staff are developing and enhancing this functionality in phases, so you will see modifications as the code matures. We will send an announcement before each next phase is released, so that library staff may have time to update their instructional materials.
The first phase of new request functionality introduces the following features:
1. A “Request Item” button in the local catalog, and a “Request from I-Share Libraries” button in the I-Share union catalog.
Clicking the button prompts New VuFind to check your library’s holdings for a requestable copy of the item.
Clicking the button prompts New VuFind to check the holdings at all of the I-Share libraries. This includes your local library if you allow local call slip for your patrons.
2. When there are multiple holdings with multiple items to choose from, a “Select Item” dropdown menu will appear to the left of the button to allow users to quickly select which item they would like to request.
Please share this information with anyone at your library who may need to know, especially your Instruction, Circulation, and Reference staff if your library is already using the New VuFind version of the catalog.
You are also now able to preview the changes being tested and developed during Phase 2 in the Test version of the New VuFind catalog at:
In Phase 2, we hope to include enhancements like:
You can learn more about CARLI’s New VuFind catalog at:
Change Log
Known Issues List
Please send any questions or comments to Thank you!