On behalf of the CARLI Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce that the members of the I-Share Next Task Force have been selected. The Board approved the roster of the Task Force at their June 6 meeting, and all those invited to serve have now accepted.

The Task Force members are:

June 19, 2014
By: Margaret Chambers

Here is a selection of YouTube videos designed to help train staff and students in preparation and recovery for a variety of emergency situations.

Written by Annette Morris, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CARLI Preservation Committee member

June 16, 2014
By: Nicole Swanson

From Digital Image Collection  (Western Illinois University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

Before we know it, Americans will celebrate their country’s 238th birthday. But let’s take a look at this photo of an Independence Day celebration when America was almost half the age she is now: 120 years old.

June 8, 2014

This month's installment features a summary of the Assessment Panel Presentation held in March 2014 as part of the IACRL Preconference.  Thanks to all who attended, and the Instruction Committee looks forward to seeing you on June 18, 2014, for the Instruction Showcase at Illinois Valley Community College!

Instruction Assessment Panel and Breakout Session

May 27, 2014

Control Switches

From Design Collection (University of Illinois at Chicago) in CARLI Digital Collections.

Start/stop, in/out -- such binary simplicity. Choosing an image to feature from the 174-and-counting CARLI Digital Collections -- so many possibilities!


May 23, 2014

The election and appointment process for new members of the CARLI Board of Directors has been completed. Directors elected to 3-year terms beginning July 1, 2014 are Tammy Kuhn-Schnell (Lincoln Land Community College), Richard Darga (Chicago State University) and Felice Maciejewski (Dominican University).

Patrick Dawson (Northern Illinois University), Karen Schmidt (Illinois Wesleyan University) and Frances Whaley (Illinois Valley Community College) have accepted one-year appointed seats on the Board.

Please join us in welcoming these new members of the CARLI Board.   

May 16, 2014
By: Michelle Haake

From David & Sarah Davis Family Correspondence (Illinois Wesleyan University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

This is the kind of exciting thing we should all be doing! -- collaborating to virtually combine our complementary materials into a single comprehensive resource. Illinois Wesleyan has done it with the David & Sarah Davis Family Correspondence, and they have done it well.





May 12, 2014

The CARLI EBL eBook Patron Driven Acquisitions Pilot Project is now live for all CARLI Governing Member institutions.
You have two ways of discovering and accessing these eBooks: a) by going directly to an EBL website for the project, or b) from MARC records in your catalog.

May 7, 2014
By: Elizabeth Clarage

From: Lawrence J. Gutter Collection of Chicagoana (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Chicago telephone directory (1892)

“The Mail is Quick. The Telegraph is Quicker, but the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Is Instantaneous and you don’t have to wait for an answer.” So reads the footnote advertisement in the Chicago Telephone Directory from 1892. It is hard to imagine, in these days when email, texting, and Skype are all everyday terms, a time when using a telephone was a novelty and considered the height of convenience.


April 30, 2014

From Swedish-American Historical Book Collection (North Park University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

In this document from the Swedish-American Historical Book Collection at North Park University, Swede Rosalie Roos writes of her travels in the southern United States during the early 1850s. She used the trip to test the strength of her independent spirit, as well as the American Dream. Her diaries and letters home over the course of the four years spent in South Carolina were forgotten for many years but discovered and extracts published in the late 20th century by her granddaughter.

April 30, 2014
