Alma Anonymization of User Fulfillment Data

Rev. July 9, 2024


CARLI will enable Alma’s anonymization of user data feature for all I-Share libraries on July 29, 2024. This will implement the anonymization of most user data in Alma after a retention period of seven days after a transaction ends, except for fine/fee data, which will be retained for seven years. These settings will permit CARLI and I-Share libraries to fully comply with national and state privacy laws and local privacy policies.  This action and the corresponding consortial Alma configurations were approved by the CARLI Governance Board on March 8, 2024.
As a result, there will be changes to Alma Analytics reporting as certain data fields will be anonymized going forward. Anonymization will remove data on patrons’ fulfillment actions—including loans, requests, and fines/fees—after they are no longer required for system functionality but will retain the necessary information to provide correct consortial statistics that are essential for our member libraries to report to their institutions and other bodies.

CARLI presented three informational webinars for I-Share libraries in May and June in advance of the changes. The sessions were recorded and posted below.

Best Practices

CARLI staff have developed the following best practices and reminders for I-Share Libraries:

Analytics Reporting Changes

Anonymization will affect several aspects of Analytics reporting. The following documentation explains how certain data fields are affected by anonymization and provides directions and best practices for writing updated reports, including those for Circulation/AFN Stats before/after March 7, 2021.

Analytics: Explanation of Fields

Certain data fields will be anonymized, so those fields must be modified in existing reports to use alternative fields in order to maintain similar reporting capability to what is/was available pre-anonymization.

Alma Anonymization: List of Fields Modified by Anonymization

Analytics: Directions for Scheduling/exporting Reports

I-Share Libraries that wish to download fulfillment transaction data from Alma for local use before it is anonymized may wish to schedule such reports to run regularly.

Alma Anonymization: How to Schedule and Verify Analytics Reports

Analytics: Reporting on Circulation / Automated Fulfillment Network (AFN) stats

Anonymization affects certain data fields within the Alma Analytics Fulfillment subject area. In order to maintain similar reporting capability to what was available pre-anonymization, these affected fields must be changed on existing reports to different fields.

These are the three fields that must be changed if they are used in any Alma Analytics reports:

Fulfillment > Borrower Details > User - Linked From Institution Code
Fulfillment > Borrower Details > User - Linked From Institution Name
Fulfillment > Borrower Details > User - Linked From Other Institution

These are the corresponding fields that can be used instead of the above:

Fulfillment > Loan Details > Loans - Linked From Institution Code
Fulfillment > Loan Details > Loans - Linked From Institution Name
Fulfillment > Loan Details > Loans - Linked From Other Institution

Using these new fields will ensure you have continuity in Alma Analytics reports.

Important notes about these six Alma Analytics fields:

It is important to discontinue use of these three fields "User - Linked From Institution Code", "User - Linked From Institution Name", and "User - Linked From Other Institution", as soon as possible. After anonymization is turned on, Alma Analytics reports that use any of the three fields "User - Linked From Institution Code", "User - Linked From Institution Name", and "User - Linked From Other Institution" will report incorrect data for transactions prior to March 6, 2021. These fields will report data that makes it appear as though all transactions are local transactions when some are not.

Due to Alma Analytics limitations within the three fields "Loans - Linked From Institution Code", "Loans - Linked From Institution Name" and "Loans - Linked From Other Institution", transactions between June 24, 2020 - March 6, 2021 will have no data reported. If you find you need the data from this time period in the future, please contact .

Fulfillment Display Changes

After anonymization is implemented, library staff working in Alma will no longer see all of the historical fulfillment data on a user's account.

Alma Anonymization: Fulfillment Display Changes

I-Share Anonymization Configurations

CARLI staff will set and maintain these configurations in all I-Share IZs; there is no action required on the part of I-Share libraries to configure Anonymization.

Reminder: I-Share Libraries should NOT make any edits to the Alma Configuration under Fulfillment > General > Fulfillment Jobs Configuration. These settings are consortially determined and managed by CARLI Office Staff.
Except for I-Share libraries using one-way Bursar transfer with Alma, the Anonymization configurations will be standardized across all I-Share IZs for consistency of application and predictability.

  • Schedule: Alma Anonymization Job will run every day at 01:00
  • Anonymization job settings:
    • Anonymize item loans
      • Parameter set: Days Since Loan Ended: 7
    • Anonymize item loans Notes
      • Parameter set: Days Since Loan Ended: 7
    • Anonymize requests (local)
      • Parameter set: Days Since Request Ended: 7
    • Anonymize request Notes (local)
      • Parameter set: Days Since Request Ended: 7
    • Anonymize resource sharing requests (I-Share)
      • Parameter set: Days Since Request Ended: 7
    • Anonymize resource sharing requests Notes (I-Share)
      • Parameter set: Days Since Request Ended: 7
    • Anonymize fines and fees
      • Parameter set: Days Since Fine/Fee Closed: 2,555 (7 years)
      • For I-Share libraries using one-way bursar transfer only: This setting may differ from consortial standard setting pending individual conversations with those libraries.
    • Anonymize fines and fees Notes
      • Parameter set: Days Since Fine/Fee Closed: 2,555 (7 years)
      • For I-Share libraries using one-way bursar transfer only: this setting may differ from consortial standard setting pending individual conversations with those libraries.

The decision to retain most data for seven days after the transaction ends rather than implementing immediate anonymization allows for the ability to identify problematic transactions (e.g. damage to items, routing/printing errors) and the ability for I-Share libraries to tie patron activities to assessment goals and outcomes when needed.


Prior to implementation, CARLI staff held webinars to discuss the anonymization process, to help guide libraries to determine their data needs before and after anonymization is enabled, and to demonstrate how and which fields to modify on existing reports to maintain similar reporting capability as is presently available.

Alma: Overview of Alma Anonymization – Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

  • Topics include: Overview of Anonymization; Timeline; Alma Configuration Settings for Anonymization; Considerations for library staff-side viewing; Overview of Analytics effects
  • Powerpoint Slides:  PPT format or PDF format
  • Webinar recording (33 mins.)

Alma How-To: Anonymization and Analytics - Thursday, June 6, 2024, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

  • How to determine if you run a report that relies on data that will be anonymized
  • How to set up a report to be auto-run/auto-exported
  • Powerpoint Slides: PPT format or PDF format
  • Webinar recording (53 mins.)

Alma How-To: Reporting and Anonymization – Monday, June 10, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

  • CARLI staff and Dennis Krieb from Lewis and Clark Community College will discuss using reporting data for institutional purposes (and in light of Anonymization)
  • Powerpoint Slides: PPT format or PDF format
  • Webinar Recording

If you have any questions, please contact .