Virtual Instruction Showcase, 2 sessions

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Thursday, June 15, 2017 - 10:00am to 2:15pm

The CARLI Instruction Committee is coordinating its CARLI Instruction Showcase, which features innovative elements in library instruction and assessment. Presenters will demonstrate instruction techniques and tools that are designed to enhance library instruction.

This year, the showcase will be presented virtually rather than as an in-person event. Six presentations are divided into two sessions; register once at the tab above to attend one or both sessions. Both sessions will be recorded and posted to the CARLI website for later review. Handouts and presentation notes will be made available on the CARLI website following the virtual showcase.

Presentation recordings and handouts are available on the Annual Instruction Showcase Presentations webpage.

Session 1: 10:00AM-11:15am

  • Molly Beestrum, Columbia College. “Finding and Citing Images: Responsible Use of Fashion Images.”
    • "This activity and discussion were designed for an Introduction to Fashion Studies course geared toward first or second year undergraduates (interested in the Fashion Studies major). Students have to create an image collection and concept board with cited image sources. Citing images - specifically fashion images - has been a ongoing challenge so I developed this activity to get students thinking both where to source images (from social media and the web, as well as fashion databases) and how to cite them (based on the information they can locate). This activity can be adapted for citing images for any visual arts topic - I'm adapting it currently for Photography and Visual Culture."
  • Kirstin Duffin, Eastern Illinois University. “Masters of the (Citable) Universe: Maximizing Your Use of Reference Management Software.”
    • "The citation management workshop is one of a three-part graduate student seminar series. The seminars are offered as drop-in, hour-long events. With the marketing assistance of the graduate school and faculty graduate coordinators, we encourage advance registration. The coordinator of the series recommended I present this session as a lecture; after receiving feedback from participants and following my own hunches of engagement best practices, I converted it into a hands-on workshop. Presentation slides and an optional citation management exercise, which I created, are available at Plans to provide recorded presentations are in the works. These will be available on demand for student use. The citation management workshop introduces the interfaces of two freely-available applications, Mendeley and Zotero. In the workshop, we review capacities to add, organize, cite, collaborate, and use some of the advanced features of these tools. For the Instruction Showcase, I will review the successes and challenges of presenting this material as an interactive session. This material can be presented at the undergraduate level. I developed a citation management assignment for lower-level biology students of a required, majors-only skill-building course. My initial assignment has proved to be too advanced for many students of this course, so I will be creating a simplified assignment for future use."
  • Stephanie King & Susan Markwell, Illinois Valley CC. “A la carte Instruction.”
    • "Add some spice to your library instruction by mixing and matching components to fit the structure of the class you’re teaching. Online, blended, face-to-face, synchronous, asynchronous – whatever flavor of instruction you’re providing, there’s a diverse menu of options to meet your tastes. We’ll look at the elements of a lesson plan for a single face-to-face session and how to transform these familiar ingredients by incorporating pre-session “appetizers,” asynchronous “side dishes,” and post-session “desserts.” Adapt your current practices into interchangeable options in order to develop your own customizable instruction menu."

Session 2: 1:00PM-2:15pm

  • Krista Bowers Sharpe, Western Illinois University. “The Scholarly Article Autopsy: Information Sources from the Inside Out."
    • "This lesson is intended as a single session within a major’s research methods course. Rather than using a shorter “scholarly vs. non-scholarly” comparison worksheet, this activity asks students to work in groups to systematically examine a scholarly article in depth, identify and evaluate its various components visually and in writing, and then compare it to a non-scholarly article on the same topic. Groups then report back to the entire class. Discussion is guided so as to touch on the processes by which sources are created, what these methods say about their authority, and to consider contextually appropriate uses for them. Although the activity was developed for students taking two social science majors' research methods courses (SOC 323 and ANTH 305), it could be adapted to any setting that lends itself to in-depth examination of information creation processes, the construction of authority, and the contextual appropriateness of sources."
  • Martinique Hallerduff & Jennifer Lau-Bond, Dominican/Harper. “Interrogating Sources with First Year Students."
    • "We have found that students are often charged with simply locating and using resources for research projects but rarely have the opportunity to discover or reflect on how information is created or shared. Instead of beginning with direct instruction, we employ a problem-based learning activity to allow students to explore the sources on their own initially. This activity prompts students to examine and evaluate a variety of information sources and record their findings in Google Forms. We project these findings in class and use the results to provide feedback and focus discussion. The intended audience for this instruction activity is students in a First Year Seminar or similar course, though it would also work in any 100-level college course. It is easily adaptable for upper level students by modifying the resources explored and the question prompts to address the desired portions of the Framework. Moreover, Google Forms is a useful tool for librarians to capture student work in class or collect data about student in-class performance."
  • Sarah Dick & Susan Franzen, Illinois State University. “Traversing the Terrain of 21st Century Publishing: A Practicum.”
    • "Many are the routes to successful publication but the path is frequently bewildering and, without forethought, can be treacherous. An online instruction session for PhD Nursing students focused on navigating the various types of available publication—open access, traditional, or licensing combinations—all while accessing tools to help with journal selection and negotiating author rights. As a follow-up to a prior information-based presentation, this hands-on session required students to select appropriate keywords to describe their writing, search for potential journals, analyze selected journals, and consider copyright, open access, and predatory publishing. 21st century publishing has become complex and confusing; this session served as a practical, hands-on preparation toward successful scholarship. Although specifically designed for graduate level PhD Nursing students, this instruction can be easily adapted to any subject area as well as various audiences, including undergraduates, masters-level students, and certainly faculty."

If you have any questions, please email CARLI at .

Presentation recordings and handouts are available on the Annual Instruction Showcase Presentations webpage.