CARLI staff have created a report that shows the roles assigned to the currently logged in user. This report is the "Show My User Roles" analysis, and is shared in CARLI's shared reports folder.
Shared Folders > Community > Reports > Consortia > CARLI > Shared Reports
Any user with the Designs Analytics role may copy this report into your institution's shared reports folder. A user with the Analytics Administrator role may associate the report with the widget via Analytics Objects.
Copying the Report
A user must have the Designs Analytics role to access Analytics and copy this report.
- Open Analytics: Go to Analytics > Design Analytics.
- Click Catalog.
- Expand the Shared Folders down to CARLI's shared reports:
e.g., Shared Folders > Community > Reports > Consortia > CARLI > Shared Reports.
- Locate the report Show My User Roles, select More > Copy.
- Change folders into your institution's reports folder.
e.g., Shared Folders > [institution name] > Reports
- Click the Paste button on the toolbar.
- Click Edit to do a test-run of the report.
- Return to Alma.
Creating the Analytics Object
A user must have the Analytics Administrator role to perform these steps.
- Go to Analytics > Analytics Objects List.
- On the Analytics Configuration and Subscription screen, select the Add New Analytics Object option, then Add New Alma Analytics Object.
- On the Alma Analytics Object screen, enter "Show My User Roles Widget" in the Title field.
- Select your institution's shared reports folder as the Analytic Folder.
e.g., [institution name]/Reports
- The Name field shows you the list of reports in the selected folder; Select Show My User Roles.
- Change Type to Widget.
- You may optionally enter a description to help other staff understand what the widget does.
e.g., "Displays the roles that are assigned to your user record, along with the scope (i.e., Institution or Library) for those roles."
- The User Roles section determines whether a user is eligible to use the widget according to roles they have. You may add individual roles or add by profiles. You might pick a small set of common roles that most or all staff have, e.g., Circulation Desk Operator, Catalog Operator.
Select either Add Role or Add from Profiles. Select the roles or role profiles, then click Add.
- Click Save.
- Return to the home screen of Alma.
Activating the Widget
A user must have one of the roles selected in the analytics objects roles section to be able to view this widget.
- Click the Manage My Widgets button. (Blue circle with white + in upper right.)
- Tick the box for Show My User Roles Widget. Then click the X to close the manage widgets screen.
- You may drag the widget to different areas of the home screen.