Analytics and Reports

Revised: January 25, 2024

Analytics Training Resources

Ex Libris Training

Ex Libris 2023 Alma Analytics: Become an Expert recordings and handouts

CARLI Training

How-To: Getting Started with Analytics
Alma Analytics Training and Resources for Collection Development
Primo VE Analytics 101 - An introduction to accessing Primo VE analytics and an overview of some of the out-of-the-box reports you can run.
Alma Analytics Dashboards: Webinar presented by the CARLI Resource Sharing Committee, 4/30/2021
Alma Analytics for IPEDS and ACRL: Webinar presented by the CARLI Resources Sharing Committee, 2/18/2022
Alma Analytics Part II: Webinar presented by the CARLI Electronic Resources Management Committee, 2/16/2023

Other Training Resources

"Beyond Out-of-the-box Reports" by Tricia Clayton, Georgia State University, 2018

Analytics Data Standards

Ex Libris Data Standards

List of Alma Analytics Subject Areas
List of Primo VE Analytics Subject Areas

I-Share Common Data Standards

I-Share-assigned Reporting Fields

Alma Anonymization of User Fulfillment Data

Alma Anonymization of User Fulfillment Data

Analytics How-Tos

How-To: Show My User Roles Report and Widget

How-To: Identifying Fulfillment Transactions (WIP)

How-To: Reporting on Graduating Students

How-To: Use MarcEdit to Report on Bibliographic Fields Excluded from Analytics

Documentation about Analytics Reports run by CARLI staff

I-Share Annual Statistics: Consortial

I-Share Annual Statistics: Individual Institution

Lost Items Found Yesterday report

User Loan Counts at Other I-Share Libraries report

Users with Fines at Other I-Share Libraries report

Shared Analytics Reports that your institution can run

Be sure to copy the report definition to your own folder or your institution's shared folder before you run or modify the analysis in any way.

Ex Libris' list of Out-of-the-Box Reports

  • Out of the Box reports may be located by browsing your Analytics Catalog into Shared Folders > Alma, then select the subfolder for the report.

Title Count Reduction Project

I-Share Statistics: Automated Fulfillment Network

I-Share Statistics: Circulation and Local Fulfillment

I-Share Statistics: Collections, Physical and Electronic

Course Reserves


Primo VE

Resource Management

User Management