Related product I-Share

CARLI Shared Analytics Reports: Resource Management

Finding and Copying Reports

CARLI's shared reports folders are found within the Shared Folders tree of your analytics catalog. For I-Share Libraries, the shared folders are found at:

Shared Folders > Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK > Resource Management

Reports in the above folder may be run as is in your institution; or you may choose to copy the report to your institution folders in order to modify the design and/or the output. 

Copying the Report

Any user with the Designs Analytics role may copy a report into your institution's shared reports folder.

  1. Open Analytics: Go to Analytics > Access Analytics.
  2. Click Catalog.
  3. Expand the Shared Folders down to CARLI's shared reports:
    e.g., Shared Folders > Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK > Resource Management
  4. Locate the report by name in the list. When found, select More > Copy.
  5. Change folders into your institution's reports folder.
    e.g., Shared Folders > [institution name] > Reports
  6. Click the Paste button on the toolbar.
  7. Click Edit to do a test-run of the report.
  8. Return to Alma.


Item Maintenance Reports

Item Maintenance Barcode Has Trailing Space Character

Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Carli NETWORK 01CARLI_NETWORK/Resource Management
  For other Alma sites: /Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Consortia/CARLI/Shared Reports/Resource Management
What it does: Lists an institution's item records where the barcode field contains one or more trailing space characters.
This might be useful for: When scanning barcodes into Alma screens, the scan barcode field expects to match the contents of the item barcode field exactly. If the barcode field includes spaces after the barcode, but the barcode label on the physical item does not have these spaces, Alma will not find a match, reporting an error of "Item not found at any member institution." Correct these problem barcodes to save time of circ staff.
Fields in the final report: Barcode, Barcode showing spaces (blank is replaced by "⸱" character), item description, item library name, item location name,  permanent call number, MMS ID, title.
Author: Ted Schwitzner 
Author's library: CARLI
Posted: 6/10/2021