CARLI's shared reports folder is found within the Shared Folders tree of your analytics catalog.
Shared Folders > Community > Reports > Consortia > CARLI > Shared Reports
Some reports may be found in topic-specific folders.
Any user with the Designs Analytics role may copy a report into your institution's shared reports folder.
Path to Report: /Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Consortia/CARLI/Shared Reports/Fulfillment
What it does: Lists an institution's own patrons (no I-Share or ILL) with loans due prior to the current date.
This might be useful for: Contacting patrons with items due at the end of a semester; monitoring or setting user blocks.
Fields in the final report: Primary ID, user group, patron name, due date, item barcode, title.
Author: Ted Schwitzner
Author's library: CARLI
Posted: 7/13/2020
Item Maintenance Barcode Has Trailing Space Character. Use for solving "Item not found at any member institution" error.