CARLI's committees play a vital role in the ongoing success of the organization, and the service of all of our volunteers maintains the tradition of commitment to developing and maintaining quality programs and services that enhance CARLI’s reputation in Illinois and beyond. We encourage you to take time to review the committee annual reports and projects for FY2014.

September 28, 2014
By: Margaret Chambers


From Normal Editions Workshop (N.E.W.) Archive (Illinois State University) in CARLI Digital Collections.


Dutch Mills is striking because of its simplicity. It is a triptych of sketches of a pair of windmills. The left panel reveals the most detail, with the central windmill outlined clearly against the sky, and the second windmill is a hazy silhouette in the background. The middle panel is hastily sketched, giving a mere impression of the mills and an overcast sky. Finally, the right panel is drawn with heavy black lines, lending a weight to the composition. Together the three versions provide a glimpse into the workings of the artist and the many ways one might approach a simple subject.

September 26, 2014

Coca-Cola "Coke" Dance, Navy Pier Campus
From Navy Pier Campus, 1946-1948 (University of Illinois at Chicago) in CARLI Digital Collections.

This image of postwar American youth with a Coke and a smile could almost be an ad, but it’s the real thing, from a newly-added photograph collection documenting the early days of the U of I campus in Chicago.

September 12, 2014

Subscribe to the "Announce" email list for the latest information on CARLI events, new and ongoing projects, product and service updates and upcoming deadlines. 

September 9, 2014
By: Michelle Haake

If your library has not already done so, please consider contributing to our "Other CARLI Collections" portal. This initiative was designed to expose digital collections at CARLI libraries that are hosted outside of CARLI's installation of CONTENTdm.

August 25, 2014
By: Margaret Chambers

The CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at the I Hotel and Conference Center in Champaign.  The 2014 Annual Meeting sessions will highlight research conducted by staff members from CARLI libraries.

A meeting of the CARLI Governing Directors will precede the Annual Meeting. More information about both of these meetings will be available soon.

August 11, 2014
By: Michelle Haake

From Colket Illustrated Sheet Music (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) in CARLI Digital Collections.

The Gordon Colket Music Collection at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's Lovejoy Library contains 120 pieces of sheet music, mostly dating from the middle of the 19th century. The 90 items included in this digital collection include military songs from the Civil War era, nautical ditties, and romantic ballads. And, of course, more than a few polkas.

July 24, 2014

From Naval Flight School (Monmouth College) in CARLI Digital Collections.

Until photographs were able to be developed with color, people often had to guess at the hues of depicted scenes, unless they were present at the time the picture was taken, or the colors were specifically noted on the back. Furthermore, as years pass and stories about the subjects of these images are lost, viewers become less able to tie together the picture before them and the rest of the world that they experience every day. Therefore, when I initially viewed this picture of The Yellow Peril from 1943, I knew nothing about it but that it was probably a yellow airplane. Then I got curious.

July 14, 2014
By: Amy Maroso

Keep up to date with new trends in digitization and digital content with the CARLI Created Content Committee podcast. Podcasts are a convenient way to stay current since you can listen on your commute or while running errands. Episodes will come out frequently during the academic year. Listen to the first two episodes and subscribe in iTunes.

July 2, 2014
By: Margaret Chambers

Gonzo Odor Eliminator particles

Illinois State University shares their technique for deodorizing musty-smelling, large-format collections.

Written by Ross Griffiths, Illinois State University, May 2014.

June 23, 2014
By: Nicole Swanson
