I <3 {heart} ephemera! Objects that aren’t intended or expected to survive over the course of time, and yet do, hold a certain allure. As tangible links to the past, these bits and scraps of transitory material culture can produce a psychically transportive effect on the beholder, rendering a more vivid imagining of the world in which they originated than any secondary social history source can match.
While there is no final information available about the state budget at this time, CARLI was directed to model a 20% permanent budget reduction in operating expenses beginning July 1, 2015. CARLI is committed to protecting Governing member access to EBSCO Academic Search Complete, and I-Share. Rather than make cuts to our most critical programs, we are instead limiting initial reductions to current programs and services that will have a less severe effect on the patrons of member libraries in FY16.
I don't follow sports very much. But it's been such an active last month for all corners of the sports world that it's almost impossible not to pay attention to some of it.
The Eagle (1971)
Ah, summer. On the surface, campus activity seems to slow to a crawl. A few faculty and students remain on campus for summer courses, but you can park closer to campus now, and you no longer worry about someone taking “your” favorite seat for eating lunch.
I’ve never seen a digital collection like this one before. It’s a complete series of 181 colorful brochures announcing correspondingly numbered mission projects undertaken by the Friends of World Mission (FOWM) from 1965-2007. For me the collection has a sort of charming quirkiness -- a presentation of the evolution of graphic design and fund-raising prose and missionary priorities all wrapped up in tiny little bite-sized packages.
The election and appointment process for new members of the CARLI Board of Directors has been completed. Directors elected to 3-year terms beginning July 1, 2015 are: Dennis Krieb (Lewis and Clark Community College), John Wilkin (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) and David Stern (Saint Xavier University).
Directors appointed to one-year terms are: Jim Cubit (Lake Forest College), Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University) and Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College).
The election and appointment process for new members of the CARLI Board of Directors has been completed.
Directors elected to 3-year terms beginning July 1, 2015 are:
Directors appointed to one-year terms are:
It's graduation time! What better time to feature a yearbook image?