ILDS Service Suspension 

ILDS service continues to be suspended until further notice. We are working closely with RAILS and IHLS to coordinate a smooth restart of the delivery service. Make sure to watch your email and check the ILDS information page to keep up on the latest.

May 27, 2020
By: Michelle Haake

The election and appointment process for new members of the CARLI Board of Directors is now complete. 

Directors elected to 3-year terms are: Matthew Ostercamp (North Park University), Jacob Jeremiah (Oakton Community College), and Taran Ley (Southern Illinois University School of Medicine). 

Directors appointed to one-year terms are: Fred Barnhart (Northern Illinois University), Sharon Silverman (City Colleges of Chicago), and Scott Walter (Illinois Wesleyan University). 

All newly elected and appointed terms will begin July 1, 2020. 

May 6, 2020
By: Michelle Haake

RESOLVED May 11, 2020 - 4:00pm - Local holdings are once again displaying in Primo VE.  CARLI has received word from Ex Libris that the May 10 software release reverted the setting that they fixed last week.  Ex Libris has noted this important setting for the June release and will make sure to check it.


UPDATE May 11, 2020 - 11:00am - CARLI has received and confirmed reports from I-Share institutions that local holdings are once again not displaying in Primo VE.  We have reopened the high priority case with Ex Libris.


May 5, 2020
By: Jessica Gibson

Statement on the Importance of a Director in Charge of the Academic Library

At its December 2019 meeting, the CARLI Board of Directors discussed the issue that some members′ organizations are not filling the library director position when the incumbent leaves, for example, retires or resigns. The college or university simply "assigns" the library to a campus administrator, like a vice president or assistant provost, who may have many other responsibilities. Sometimes a mid-level library staff member is named as "in charge" without title or compensation change.

April 28, 2020
By: Michelle Haake

Voting is now open for seats on the CARLI Board of Directors. Each of the CARLI constituencies—Community Colleges; Private Colleges and Universities; and Public Universities—will elect one new Board member for a three-year term (July 1, 2020–June 30, 2023).

April 13, 2020
By: Michelle Haake

Special Note from CARLI′s Executive Director

I bring you warm greetings from all of us at CARLI; I hope you, your families, and all staff at your libraries are well. What very strange days we have all experienced! As a parent of a college student, I appreciate how challenging our current reality can be for everyone involved in supporting higher education.

March 31, 2020
By: Michelle Haake

As with all our member libraries, CARLI is monitoring developments related to the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. This is a rapidly evolving situation. Information on this page will be updated as it becomes available.

March 24, 2020

On March 24, CARLI communicated with Tim Collins, Founder/CEO of EBSCO Information Services, and Bar Veinstein, President of Ex Libris Group to express our concern over the lack of seamless data sharing between CARLI’s two largest supported services, Ex Libris Alma/Primo VE and EBSCO Academic Search Complete.

March 24, 2020
By: Margaret Chambers

CARLI is seeking nominations for candidates to fill seats on the CARLI Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the governing authority of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois.

March 16, 2020
By: Michelle Haake

As with all our member libraries, CARLI is monitoring developments related to the spread of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. Due to the health and travel concerns and with the understanding that institutional travel and event policies and recommendations are changing rapidly, CARLI is canceling the following in-person events scheduled for March 18 through April 3:

The April 2 event Getting Ready for Primo VE at Joliet Junior College will be held as a streaming event only, with no in-person attendance.

March 10, 2020
By: Margaret Chambers
