Miriam Centeno, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

As the culmination of this year-long study on the care of audiovisual materials, the CARLI Preservation Committee sponsored an AV Preservation Workshop held on April 18th, 2016, at the University of Illinois Library at Urbana Champaign. The instructor was Joshua Harris, Media Preservation Coordinator at UIUC. 

May 26, 2016
By: Nicole Swanson

CARLI is pleased to announce Voyager Web Reports Beta, a new web-based reporting tool designed by CARLI staff to provide an easy way for I-Share library staff to run reports against their Voyager databases without the need to install the Oracle/ODBC client and use MS Access.  Results can be viewed, sorted, and searched in HTML format directly in your web browser, or they can be downloaded in CSV format for local manipulation.  The reports come from the I-Share Shared SQL for Voyager Reports, or from the stock set of queries provided by Ex Libris in Voyager's default Reports.mdb file.

May 26, 2016

Final Results from the 2016 Board of Directors Election

The election and appointment process for new members of the CARLI Board of Directors has been completed. Directors elected to 3-year terms beginning July 1, 2016 are: Cindy Fuller (Millikin University), Cate Kaufman (Illinois Central College), and Lydia Morrow Ruetten (Governors State University).
Directors appointed to one-year terms are: Jim Cubit (Lake Forest College), Dane Ward (Illinois State University), and Frances Whaley (Illinois Valley Community College). 

May 25, 2016
By: Michelle Haake

James “Joe” Feigl III, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign graduate student and Melanie R. Schoenborn, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville​

Grant writing for audiovisual preservation starts with the basics: learning who has funding available and how that money can be used.  In the world of philanthropy the value of a library preservation project is based on the service it will provide and who will benefit from that service.  Grants will vary in their focus, with many current grants funding diversity, sustainability, LBGT, and digitization projects.  The goal is to use the information from an audiovisual collection analysis to develop a grant proposal that fits in with the philanthropy world’s current interests.  Below is an up-to-date annotated bibliography of materials about grant writing and also a list of currently available grant websites with examples of funded projects, the information on currently open grants, and future funding available for the preservation of library materials.

May 20, 2016
By: Nicole Swanson

Jenny Dunbar, Archivist, College of DuPage​

Photographs were not always well regarded as historical documents. In the early stages of the development of archives, many archivists did not consider photographs as primary source material and relegated any visual material to a more subordinate position. Now, the value of photographs is appreciated, and they play a significant role in cultural heritage collections. It is imperative that these materials be preserved.

Like most audiovisual material, the preservation of still images is a complex one. Heliographs, daguerreotypes, cyanotypes, tintypes, albumen, silver gelatin prints, calotype paper negatives, glass plate negatives, nitrate, diacetate and polyester negatives, lantern slides, autochromes, film slides, digital photographs – the list goes on and on. The preservation of this multitude of formats is a daunting task that presents significant concerns, necessitating a variety of storage conditions and techniques. Additionally, photographic collections are usually heavily used, a factor that increases their susceptibility to damage.

May 19, 2016
By: Nicole Swanson

From Harold Way Photograph Collection (Knox College) in CARLI Digital Collections.

One, two, three … . How many candles can you count on this cake celebrating Knox College’s first 100 years?


May 13, 2016

From: Black Hawk College

Black Hawk College East Wahian (1968)

This photo of BHE graduates is orignally from a yearbook, but has now been etched in my head as a nightmare forever.




May 6, 2016

From Digital Image Collection (Western Illinois University) in CARLI Digital Collections.

This May, I'm celebrating National Bike Month with the same activity I engage in most every month: riding my bike to work. For me, cycling means freedom from the hassles of public transportation, but for women in the late 19th and early 20th century, it represented a different kind of liberation.

May 4, 2016

E-Resources FY17 Selection Cycle to Open in New Selection System

The FY 17 Selection Cycle is expected to open in the first week May using the newly redesigned Selection System. Vendors are currently loading pricing into the system. After all pricing has been verified, the system will be open to libraries for their FY17 subscription commitments. 

April 28, 2016
By: Michelle Haake

The CARLI Board of Directors election is now underway. All governing member directors should have received their ballot on Monday, April 20. If you did not receive a ballot, please . Your input is valuable to us, please remember to vote.

April 25, 2016
By: Michelle Haake
