CARLI News August 31, 2016

Save the Date: 2016 CARLI Annual Meeting

The 2016 CARLI Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 18 at the I-Hotel Conference Center in Champaign. Staff at any CARLI member library is invited to attend.

Watch for more registration information coming in September.

Productivity Toolkit

In 2015-2016, the CARLI Public Services committee created a productivity toolkit consisting of links to and information about free or low-cost online tools. The toolkit is meant to increase productivity in the areas of access services and instruction.  Individual tools are valuable in managing projects, data, and social media. Many of these apps and software programs were presented at the Public Services Open Houses in spring 2016 while others were suggested by committee members.

The Public Services committee’s intent is to continue adding resources to the toolkit. We encourage CARLI members to submit their recommendations for tools to add to the list. Please include the name of the tool, the URL, a short explanation, and how it’s been used in the library.

For more information, contact  or , co-chairs of the CARLI Public Services committee. 


Annual Unique Titles Counts Updated for New Libraries

In July 2016, three libraries joined I-Share: Black Hawk College, Meadville-Lombard Theological School, and South Suburban College. Also, Kendall College exited I-Share. The effects of these changes were seen in the I-Share union catalog after the annual Unique Titles report was generated on July 1, 2016. As a result, some libraries unique titles counts may have changed as well. 

CARLI staff have posted an updated report that reflects the outcomes for all four membership changes. Additionally, staff have generated title lists for each library corresponding to the figures in this report

For questions, please contact .

Update to CARLI_Reports Access Database Released

A new version of CARLI's custom reports database for Access is now available. CARLI_Reports_2016.mdb contains over 40 new queries that libraries may use to help analyze collections and statistics, locate problems, and even just help save time with other queries. Several new queries may be used with data that CARLI generates as monthly statistical files, or that CARLI may provide after a library submits a WRO.
Make sure to take a look at this new version of the CARLI Reports file.

Statistical Surveys for I-Share Libraries: Help from CARLI

Fall brings the annual season for filling out academic library surveys. These include the ILLINET/Illinois State Library ILL report and the IPEDS, ACRL and ARL surveys. For advice on using Voyager reports and CARLI's Annual Statistics Package to help fill out these surveys, sample forms, instructions, and/or glossaries; please see section 3 of ″The I-Share Annual Statistics Package″. If you need a replacement copy of your last CARLI Annual Stats Package, or have any questions, please contact .

OCLC's Batchload Service Transition

Over the last year, OCLC has been streamlining its cataloging workflows into the WorldShare platform, beginning with the MARC Subscription service and followed by Cataloging Partners. OCLC has announced a transition deadline of September 23, 2016, for its Batchload service to move into Collection Manager. CARLI uses the Batchload service to ″backload″ holdings information from Voyager databases into WorldCat, allowing libraries to add copy from the I-Share union catalog or other catalogs to their own database, and mark ″OK to export″ to send the bib information to OCLC.
Each I-Share Library has a batchload project in place. To this point, CARLI staff performed the setup for each library’s project, under a third party agreement, along with exporting and sending bibliographic data (i.e., the OCLC record number) to OCLC. In Collection Manager, this process will be known as a ″data sync collection″ which must be managed by each individual library.
CARLI staff have been in discussion with OCLC about options for CARLI staff to assist libraries with this setup, and also to continue handling the transfer of records for you. We hope to have logins in the next few weeks to assist with enabling and testing your projects. 
In the meantime, cataloging contacts at I-Share libraries may have received messages about the transition. Those libraries that have Collection Manager activated should find a data sync collection in their collection list. Please take the time to review and adjust the configuration using our documentation.  

Feel free to also review OCLC’s documentation and communicate with them through their training webinars and office hours. Please continue to share questions, concerns, and observations with CARLI as well—we’re learning too.
Libraries that have not activated Collection Manager yet should apply for an access by September 1, so that their projects can be configured by OCLC.
We will provide more information as it is available. If you have any questions, please .

CARLI Webinar Now Online

The recording of the CARLI webinar, ″Overview of the I-Share (UB) Resource Sharing Environment,″ is now available on the CARLI website along with the slides and presenter’s notes.

It can be found on the Circulation & Universal Borrowing/Interlibrary Loan webpage under ″Past Events and Webinars″.

Preservation Tip: Driving Lesson for Library Disaster Planning: Slow and steady gets you there!

Beth McGowan, PhD, MLIS, Northern Illinois University

Over the course of the summer, there have been several 500-year floods in Louisiana, record fires in California, and extreme heat all over the East Coast that led to power outages in New York City. Hurricane season is here as well as the standard Midwestern woes of spring tornados. The number and kinds of disaster that can hit any institution are legion. So, libraries all need to be ready to care for their collections in the event of a disaster. 

The CARLI Preservation Committee’s latest motto is ″Slow and steady wins the Preservation Race″! This is the second year of applying this method/motto. Last year the Committee took on Audiovisual Preservation. This year, the Committee’s focus will be on Disaster Planning. This topic was decided upon in response to the five major needs revealed by the CARLI membership in the 2015 CARLI Preservation Survey:    

  • Disaster Planning
  • Preservation Planning and Assessments
  • Digital Preservation
  • Preservation of Audio-Visual materials
  • Staff training

The Committee realized that it could not adequately address each of these topics over the course of a single year. So, over the course of last year the Committee chose one -- Audiovisual Preservation – and explored a variety of subtopics, followed two institutions’ attempts to work through an Audiovisual Preservation plan, and wrote blogs that culminated in a final website.
This year, the Preservation Committee will use this same format (minus case studies) to address another need revealed by that same 2015 CARLI Preservation Survey. This is a list of topics about Disaster Planning you can look forward to in the months to come: 

  • While the CARLI Preservation Committee has frequently sponsored one day workshops on recovering from a fire disaster, that type of disaster is a less likely form of disaster than many others, so the committee will examine disasters more common to the Midwest.
  • Explore the multiple elements of a disaster plan and resources
  • Outline of the actual nuts and bolts of a plan
  • Discuss what elements of a disaster response should be managed in-house
  • Present tools an in-house response will require
  • Address techniques of rescue for a variety of materials 
  • List the kinds of vendors your library should be in contact. Summarize what was learned over the year

Finally, the Committee will convert all individual articles into a webpage for a single place of reference for a variety of issues on Disaster Planning.

Please follow the process of the Preservation Committee as it works through what is necessary to successfully combat a library disaster on the front lines by planning ahead. 

Other Library News

Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year

Pattie Piotrowski, who recently started serving as University Librarian and Dean of Library Instructional Services at the University of Illinois Springfield, is the recipient of the 2016 ILA Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year award. 

The award, which is sponsored by CARLI, recognizes an Illinois librarian who has had a statewide impact on academic or research librarianship, or on library development. 

Piotrowski has a long history of service to Illinois library organizations, including currently serving as the President of the Illinois Library Association. She has also contributed many years of service to IACRL, including three years on the Executive Board, from 2012 to 2015 (one each as Vice-President/President-Elect, President, and Past President). Piotrowski has been involved with planning for several IACRL conferences, including chairing the committee for the 2014 meeting, and she has managed the IACRL booth at ILA conferences. She has made numerous efforts to recruit new members to IACRL and to provide additional educational opportunities for members, such as receiving an update on legislative issues from an ILA lobbyist at the IACRL Luncheon. 

Read the full announcement on the ILA web site.

Fifth Annual ForwardFocus Conference 

ForwardFocus will be held at Illinois Central College in Peoria, IL on September 16. The conference is open to all librarians but is specifically designed with community college librarians or LIS students interested in community college librarianship in mind. This year's theme, inspired by the current climate of uncertainty and hardship, remembers and celebrates our Strength in Numbers. Together community college librarians can achieve success despite the many challenges we face. We want to highlight all the ways collaboration helps improve library services and allows us to do a little more with less. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with colleagues from around the country by sharing ideas, programs, and workplace strategies for success. 

The program includes the following topics:

  • The Future of the 21st Century Library - Maria Emerson & TJ Urbanski
  • Seed-Planting Using Data to Develop the Library Collection - Elizabeth Nelson
  • They Said What? Designing and Implementing an Ethnographic Study for Your Library - Laura Burt-Nicholas & Derrick Willis
  • Information Literacy Assessment: Project Sharing and Q & A - Sarah Parlier, Amy Glass, and Bryan Clark
  • World Domination (In the Workplace): Managing the Management and the Minions - Rachel Fuller

Register online. Registration closes on September 9, 2016. 

Upcoming CARLI Events and Meetings

Forums, Workshops and Training

September 28            Voyager Acquisitions & Serials Training Day 1
September 29            Voyager Acquisitions & Serials Training Day 2

October 12                Resource Sharing Committee Webinar
October 13                SFX Open Conference Call
October 27                Voyager Reports Training


September 6              Commercial Products Committee
September 12            Preservation Committee
September 13            CARLI Executive Committee Conference Call
September 13            Created Content Committee
September 15            Public Services Committee
September 16            CARLI Board of Directors
September 19            Instruction Committee
September 20            Resource Sharing Committee
September 28            SFX Systems Committee
September 28            Technical Services Committee

October 11                 Preservation Committee
October 11                 Created Content Committee
October 17                 Instruction Committee
October 18                 Resource Sharing Committee
October 20                 Public Services Committee
October 26                 SFX Committee
October 26                 Technical Services Committee

November 18              CARLI Annual Meeting, I-Hotel and Conference Center, Champaign

Consult the CARLI calendar for the most current list of meeting times and locations.

Contact Us

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