Resource Description and Access (RDA) for the Rest of Us: An Introduction for Public Services Librarians (and anyone else feeling out of the loop on RDA)
Please join us for a webinar series presented by the Technical Services Committee in collaboration with the Public Services Committee. The primary goal of these webinars is to demystify RDA for public services librarians and any other library staff who may be struggling with RDA, conceptually or in practice.
These webinars will be recorded and made available on the CARLI website.
Webinar 2 – How Does RDA Change the Way Records Look in the Online Catalog?
In the second webinar, Lynnette Fields will show the effects of RDA on records in our online catalog. We will compare what RDA records look like and how they’re different from AACR2 records.
Presented by Lynnette Fields, Director of Technical Services, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Registration: To register, please click on the "Register" tab above. Registration closes April 8.
Information about how to connect to the webinar will be provided via email a few days prior to the webinar.
If you have any questions about this program, please contact the CARLI Office