Members Present
Elizabeth Bernal (Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Anita Foster, chair (Illinois State University), Denise Green (Millikin University), Andrea Imre, by phone (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Jim Millhorn, minutes taker (Northern Illinois University), Jared Wellman (Lincoln Land Community College)
Members Absent
Stacey Knight-Davis (Eastern Illinois University), Steve Oberg (Wheaton College)
Staff Present
Paige Weston, Mary Burkee
- Anita convened the meeting shortly after 10:00 and we immediately jumped into updates of the various working groups.
- Elizabeth opened the discussion reporting on the progress with the glossary. The project is near completion and most of the remaining work revolves around formatting. Andrea wants to give the glossary another look. There was considerable discussion of when the glossary should be released to the group. It was decided that the glossary would be distributed to the committee by March 3. It can then be vetted at our next meeting scheduled for March 12.
- Denise indicated that the training group was trying to narrow down a list of topics to address. The group is focused on short lesson plans—something around three minutes a pop. Paige is focused on what platform would be most suitable for conveying the training materials. She admitted that there are a lot of sophisticated carriers to choose from.
- Jared discussed progress with the survey. Stacey's suggestions have been incorporated but Paige’s had not as yet. Jared was busy with his newborn of late—congrats. In any case, everyone was encouraged to further review the survey. Paige reminded us that any kind of survey material released under the auspices of CARLI must be approved by CARLI staff. At present, there is not a time frame for when the survey should be released.
- Other item: There is still considerable discussion of the SFX “Broken Link” feature. Paige indicated she would pen a note concerning the “Broken Link” feature for the group to review.
Next Meeting: March 12, 2014
The meeting ended at 10:35 am