This year, the Public Services Committee focused on highlighting makerspaces through 3 days of Open Houses visiting six different makerspaces. A makerspace is community or collaborative space that provides a combination of technology, equipment, and often expertise for patrons to explore, discover, design, create, produce, and share projects. In academic settings, makerspaces often relate directly to pedagogy and learning outcomes across disciplines. Makerspaces can be as simple as having a 3D printer available or as elaborate as a studio space that includes hand- and power-tools, green screen technology, woodworking, vinyl printing, sewing machines, laser cutters, and yes, 3D printers. Makerspaces are often located in libraries (academic and public), but can also be found attached to engineering, art, or other departments as this century’s version of the computer lab and classroom.
Given the rise in interest, publication, and creation of makerspaces – along with the spectrum of options and costs – the Committee chose to host open houses in both academic libraries/institutions and public libraries. Some public libraries have been out in front of the makerspace wave, and public library makerspace patrons are quickly becoming our own undergraduate students, with attendant expectations and experiences. The locations of the open houses also showcased what an institution might be able to provide at different funding levels for these types of spaces with ones that could be considered basic or funded on a shoestring while others could be identified as being extremely well-funded or even a Cadillac version of a makerspace in order to highlight the range of options for CARLI member libraries.
2016-2017 Committee
Raeann Dossett, Parkland College
Anne-Marie Eggleston Green, Kishwaukee College
Marissa Ellermann, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Susan Franzen, Illinois State University, Co-Chair
Joanna Kolendo, Chicago State University
Colleen Shaw, Heartland Community College
Cory Stevens, Lake Forest College, Co-Chair
Richard Stokes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Julia Venetis, Elmhurst College