CARLI and Minitex invite you to attend the two-part Professional Development Alliance webinar series De-escalation Tools and Techniques for Library Staff.
Many questions and concerns that arise from library users can be handled with a calm and clear de-escalation response. De-escalation strategies and tools put the power in the hands of library staff to both mitigate conflict and educate users about intellectual freedom and library use. Please register for each session of this series to learn about tools and techniques that can help you de-escalate challenges and situations at your library.
Session 1: De-escalation: A Crucial Tool in Libraries for Promoting Intellectual Freedom
January 24, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (Central Time)
Librarians have heard and experienced the trend of increased materials challenges and irate patrons. Yet every day library staff members respond to materials challenges in ways that lead to non-events. It is the confrontations and protests that are featured in the news, but dedicated library staff consistently lower the temperature and prevent conflicts. Moderators Betsy Mahoney and Julia Nephew along with presenters Janice Del Negro, Joyce McIntosh, and Steven Ward will explore the training, skills, and best practices that help library staff de-escalate tense encounters with library users.
Register, learn more, and share questions.
Session 2: Managing Escalated Patron Situations Face to Face: Your Questions Answered
February 28, 3:00-4:00 p.m. (Central Time)
While working with the public in a library, you may have faced stressful or potentially harmful situations. Perhaps you’ve had an encounter with a patron asking you uncomfortable questions or who has been behaving in an erratic manner. What are the best ways to handle these situations? What tools do you need to manage the sometimes unpredictable behaviors that patrons can bring to the library? Alfredo Hernandez Jr., Safety and Security Program Manager for the University of Minnesota Libraries, will help us to map out how best to respond to the unexpected encounters that can be the joy and challenge of working in a library.
Register, learn more, and share questions.