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How-To: Release all listed records from the Metadata Editor

Question: I sometimes have several records open in the metadata records list. Is there a way to release them all at once, or do I have to release them individually?

Answer: Yes! There is a tool for just this purpose. On the toolbar for the record list, you'll see an icon for a stack of documents and an "x". This button releases all records that are open
on that specific tab.

The Alma metadata editor record list shows twenty MARC21 Bib records are currently open, and a button to release those records is marked.

In the above screenshot of the metadata editor, there are several bibliographic records in the editor record list. The release records button is highlighted by an orange square. Clicking this button will prompt you for confirmation that you want to release all 20 bib records that are open. Click Yes to complete the release.

Alma confirmation message for releasing displayed records. The message notes that releasing records will lose any unsaved work and prompts for a yes or no action to continue.

Updated: January 31, 2025