The Alma Network Zone is a collaborative cataloging environment including shared bibliographic and (soon) authority records. By default, any cataloger (that is, any user with "Cataloger" role) at any I-Share library may edit a shared bib record to improve the quality of data, making it more useful to the patrons at their library and all libraries.
There may be situations where the cataloger(s) of one institution may need to restrict the ability of other catalogers to edit the shared part of the record. For example, a shared bibliographic record may contain details about a single institution's copy. The institution would like to protect this data against being removed or overwritten until the data can be copied into local extensions or holdings data.
Alma provides functionality broadly labeled as "cataloging levels" that involve assigning privileges to catalogers and then assigning a corresponding set of access levels to records. Alma compares the privilege level of the user with the access level of the record. If the cataloger has an equal or higher privilege, then the user may perform any editing action with the record. If the cataloger has a lower privilege than the access level of the record, then the cataloger may only perform a limited set of options in the Alma metadata editor. These include:
Cataloging levels are primarily used within the metadata editor. Some of the functions above (marked with *) may also be performed via other roles or system functions, such as jobs.
Levels may be set on records individually or in bulk via a manual job. Users may search for records by Cataloging Level (using the advanced search).
Newly imported records will have the default level assigned. However, Alma does not consult the cataloging level of existing records when importing updated records.
Cataloging levels are not visible in Analytics.
Level Code | Level Description | Apply to Catalogers | Apply to Records |
00 | Default Level for Bib Records--any cataloger may edit | Bibs, Auths | |
10 | Cataloging Student | X | |
20 | Rapid Cat/Acquisitions Copy Cat | X | |
40 | Copy Cataloger | X | |
50 | Cataloging Supervisor | X | |
60 | Limited Access Level for Bib Records | Bibs, Auths | |
70 | Special Formats/Special Collections | X | |
90 | CARLI Office | X | CARLI staff may apply to Bibs and Auths |
In order to edit bibliographic and authority records in the Alma metadata editor, library staff users must be assigned one or more "Cataloger" roles (Cataloger, Catalog Manager, Catalog Administrator). Cataloging privileges are set separately from roles by selecting one of the staff privilege levels from the Cataloger Level field on the user record.
Note: Roles for editing holding records and working with either physical or electronic inventory are associated with the "Inventory" roles (e.g., Physical Inventory Operator, Electronic Inventory Operator).
Only library staff with the User Manager or User Administrator roles may edit roles and edit the cataloger level of records.
If these changes are made while the selected user is logged in to Alma, that user must log out before they may use the new roles and privileges.
If the user is the primary cataloger or only cataloger for the institution, then they should have level [70] Special Formats/Special Collections.
Most staff that use the metadata editor may be assigned level [50] Cataloging supervisor. Institutions with large technical services departments may opt to assign lower levels for different staff responsibilities.
Non-catalogers should have level 00 Default Level for Bib Records.
Most bibliographic records shared in the network zone should have an access level of [00] Default Level for Bib Records--any cataloger may edit. Similarly, CARLI expects that records in institution zones only would also have this default level.
Alma settings have been configured so that a cataloger must take action to escalate the access level for a record, for instance, if the library needs to protect institution-specific information in the shared bib. In such cases, the higher access level [60] Limited Access Level for Bib Records, should indicate to other catalogers that a given record contains information that could be lost if the record were replaced, AND also indicate that a library wishing to use the same record should ensure that a cataloger with high privileges works on the item.
Instructions follow below on how to identify the access level of a record, and how to set the access level.
When you open a record in the old metadata editor, the MDE will display the current level of a record beneath the editing frame. If your cataloger privilege level is equal to or higher than the access level of the bib record, you will see a drop-down list to the right of the current level. If you need to modify the level of this record, select the new level from the drop-down. You may select any level available to you; you do not need to set the highest level available.
When you open the record and your cataloger privilege level is less than the record access level, the editing frame header will present a warning, "View Only - your cataloger level XX is lower than the record cataloging level ++."
When you open a record in the new metadata editor, the MDE will display the current level of a record in the top of the editing frame, under the title on the left. If your cataloger privilege level is equal to or higher than the access level of the bib record, you will see a drop-down list to the right of the current level. If you need to modify the level of this record, select the new level from the drop-down. You may select any level available to you; you do not need to set the highest level available.
When you open the record and your cataloger privilege level is less than the record access level, the top of the editing frame will present a warning, "View Only - your cataloger level XX is lower than the record cataloging level ++."
Cataloging levels only restrict the actions that may be taken in the Alma metadata editor. In other words, Alma may allow records to be replaced or merged via actions taken with import profiles.
Revised October 13. 2021, 11:30 a.m.