Google Scholar and Alma

July 1, 2024 Updated

Why should I-Share institutions publish electronic holdings from Alma to Google Scholar?

Your patrons are likely using Google Scholar already, a free, popular and easily accessible index.  You can expand your library’s reach and assist your patrons in finding full text resources by publishing Alma holdings to Google Scholar.

Here is an example of a working library link in Google Scholar showing Wheaton College's link to possible full text based on their Google Scholar export:
Google Scholar Whe2.GIF

How can I-Share Institutions set up the publishing of electronic holdings to Google Scholar?

  1. Configure Alma to set up the Publishing Profile
  • Follow the steps inPublishing Electronic Holdings to Google Scholar. Most libraries will only need to complete the first section, steps 1-4.
  • For the OpenURL base link:
    • Primo_domain – The domain for your Primo VE server is (where xxx is your library's three-letter I-Share code in lowercase)
    • Alma_institution_code – The institution code defined in Alma is 01CARLI_XXX (where XXX is your library's three-letter I-Share code in UPPERCASE)
    • view_code – Specify the code that is defined for your view on the View Configuration page. By default this will be 01CARLI_XXX:CARLI_XXX (where XXX is your library's three-letter I-Share code in UPPERCASE) unless you have created another view with a custom code.  If so, use that View code here.
    • Final base URL looks like this:  
    • Please note where "VIEWCODE" is should be your library's code that looks close to CARLI_XXX
    • Note: Do not put "?" on the end of the base URL for the Google Scholar publishing profile even though it is shown in the Ex Libris documentation. 

 2.  Verify Google Scholar data and test in Google Scholar

  • Note that Google Scholar harvests the file from Alma once a week. Expect results 7-10 days after process is finalized.
  • Verifying Google Scholar data

 3. Troubleshooting (if needed)

 4. If needed, ask CARLI any questions.   Send questions via an email to