Display Logic Rules for Electronic Resources

Updated: June 17, 2024

Background and Documentation

Please note, as of June 2024, CARLI staff have implemented Display Logic Rules (DLRs) in the I-Share Network Zone. Click here for a PDF of the email announcing these DLRs.

Display Logic Rules control the conditions for display of Alma Services in Primo VE's Get It and View It sections.  They are configured on the Discovery Interface Display Logic page in Alma Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Display Logic Rules.  This page contains some optional recipes for controlling the presentation of e-collections with Display Logic Rules that I-Share institutions may choose to configure.

To configure Display Logic Rules (DLR) for Primo VE, you must have the Alma user role of General System Administrator or Fulfillment Administrator.

Ex Libris documentation

In the complete Ex Libris documentation on DLRs, you can read how to Add Display Logic Rules for Primo VE.

For a demonstration of how to configure DLRs, watch the Ex Libris Discovery-Display Logic Rules training video (12 mins).

Related CARLI documentation

CARLI-required Display Logic Rules for I-Share Institutions - Information only. These rules are already in place in all I-Share Alma instances having been created for you by CARLI or Ex Libris staff.

I-Share Display Logic Rules Recipes for Requesting in Primo VE - Optional recipes for controlling the presentation of local and I-Share request links with Display Logic Rules.

How to hide one e-collection when another specific e-collection is available

Goal: If a resource is in e-collection X, don’t show links to e-collection Y (or possibly several different e-collections).

Why might you want to do this? To give priority to X over Y. For example, e-collection X may be lower cost than e-collection Y, or e-collection X may have better linking quality and reliability.  

This recipe requires you to create one Display Logic Rule (DLR).

How to define the DLR:

The Example Rule in the steps below will hide "EBSCOhost GreenFile" if the full text is available in "EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete."

1. Go to Alma Configuration > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Display Logic Rules

2. Click on Add Rule to create a blank rule:


3. Click on the down arrow at the end of  "hide service *" box and choose "Full Text".  The boxes/options will change below the "hide service" box.


4. Click on the down arrow at the end of  "with" and choose "Electronic collection".


5. Then click on the down arrow at end of the "with value" box. A list of activated e-collections will display and you can click on the one you want to hide.


6. Next click on down arrow at end of "if exists service" box and choose "Full Text".


7. Then click on down arrow at end of the "with value" box. A list of activated e-collections will display and you can click on the one you want to prioritize showing.


8. Confirm the rule has the values you intend:


9. When ready, click Add and Close.


If you are editing an existing rule, the box is "Save and Close." The Display Logic Rule is done.

Other Options and Examples

If desired, you can add more than one e-collection to a rule. For example, the rule pictured below will hide "Counseling and Therapy in Video: Vol. 2," "Criminal Justice Database," and "EBSCOhost GreenFile" if the full text is available in "EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete."


Use the "Interface" option to hide a group of e-collections from the same vendor/interface company. Just select "Interface" instead of "Electronic collection" in the "with" box for "Full Text" service.

For example, the rule pictured below means: If the resource is in any EBSCOhost Interface e-collection, don't show "CCC Get it Now" Interface e-collections. This might be useful because "CCC Get it Now" from Copyright Clearance Center e-collections are more costly than EBSCOhost.


You can also mix Electronic Collections and Interface variables. The rule pictured below will hide any other interface's e-collections if the full text is available in "EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete." Leaving the "with value" box blank will include all interfaces or all e-collections.
