Alma Database Type & EBSCO Packages

Last edit August 12, 2024


This page is about the EBSCO packages provided by CARLI and provided by the Illinois Secretary of State/Illinois State Library and is for anyone who manages electronic resources in Alma.


Review of Alma Electronic Collections

In Alma, there are three types of electronic collections:

  1. Aggregator Package
  2. Selective Package
  3. Database

The electronic collection type is listed below the name of an electronic collection, no matter what zone you are in (IZ, NZ, or CZ) when viewing the electronic collection. The image below shows where this type is indicated in Alma search results.

screenshot of Alma electronic collection

The first two types of electronic collections (Aggregator Package and Selective Package) contain portfolios, the third type (Database) does not. The Database type is a zero portfolio collection that only has one editor level - the Electronic Collection Editor, while the Aggregator Package and Selective Package types have three levels - 

  1. Electronic Collection Editor - where public display name, level URL, and CDI settings are stored.
  2. Electronic Service Editor - where linking and proxy information are stored.
  3. Electronic Portfolio Editor - where URL type and dates of coverage are stored.

EBSCO packages that are database type in alma

Currently, there are eight CARLI provided electronic collections and ten Illinois Secretary of State/Illinois State Library provided electronic collections that are the database type in Alma and are not active/have been deleted due to limitations with managing database type collections from the NZ. Limitations: There is no portfolio list (zero portfolios) and no option to “Edit service.” Therefore, CARLI is unable to add in linking parser parameters like the EBSCO customer ID that is required for linking. The Level URL is the only place that can control the linking and they use the library’s EBSCO customer ID, which is why this is not feasible from the NZ. Here are the lists of each collection which includes their Alma Community Zone Electronic Collection IDs:

CARLI provided Alma CZ E-Collection ID State provided Alma CZ E-Collection ID
Child Development & Adolescent Studies 6114026660000041 AGRICOLA 6113939290000041
Family & Society Studies Worldwide 6113916600000041 Auto Repair Reference Center 6114000980000041
Family Studies Abstracts 6113916590000041 ERIC 6113916770000041
Left Index 6113915330000041 LearningExpressLibrary - Popular Software Tutorials 6113938780000041
NoveList Plus 6114030250000041 LearningExpressLibrary Job & Career Accelerator 6113928790000041
Urban Studies Abstracts 6113930000000041 6113928780000041
Violence & Abuse Abstracts 6114034070000041 Learning Express PrepSTEP Academic 615300000000000215
Women’s Studies International 6114025870000041 Learning Express PrepSTEP High School 615300000000000214
    NoveList 6114010270000041
    NoveList K-8 611401026000004

options for your library in your alma iz

Here are options for your library to consider how to proceed with these EBSCO collections:

  1. Do nothing. Many of the I-Share libraries provide access to these database type collections from their library homepages via an A-Z database list. 
  2. Activate these collections in your Alma IZ. Workaround provided below.

ACTIVATING an alma database type collection in your iz

1. In Alma, using the persistent search bar, select the following: Electronic Collection > Electronic Collection ID > (input Alma CZ E-Collection ID from table above) > CZ search scope. 

2. Then, click on "Activate" to the right of the collection name. 

screenshot of activate button

3. In the first screen of the Activation Wizard, uncheck the box next to "Mark Bib as suppressed." This collection has no electronic inventory, therefore the collection bib needs to be visible. (From Ex Libris documentation - "These collections are activated for patron discovery automatically once they have a defined URL and an associated unsuppressed bibliographic record.") In this screen, you can also change the Public Display Name in the field for Public name (override). You will also want to add your Level URL (override). The Level URLs can be built using EBSCO's Direct URL Builder. Some of these databases have their own EBSCO profile. When using the EBSCO Direct URL Builder, use the "Interface" drop-down menu to select those profiles. If you encounter an issue with a URL you have built, you can contact EBSCO and/or email CARLI support.

screenshot of unchecking box for suppressed bib

4. In the last screen of the Activation Wizard, click "Activate."

screenshot of activate in wizard

5. When the database is activated, you will receive an email confirmation and an Alma notification will appear to the right of the screen indicating that it is complete.

If you encounter issues or errors with activating an Alma database type collection, please open a CARLI Support ticket.