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Copyright for Resource Sharing: Webinar by Janet Brennan Croft

Presented November 10, 2015 by Janet Brennan Croft

Presentation Slides with Notes

Links from Janet's Presentation

Resources for figuring out if a work is under copyright- Slide 17
Copyright Advisory Network Digital Slider
When Works Pass Into the Public Domain (Lolly Gasaway)
Is it in the Public Domain? (A good source for non-print materials, from Berkeley)

Fair Use- Slide 23
Based on the well-known Kenneth Crews Checklist for Fair Use
Another version of the Kenneth Crews checklist, this one is licensed under Creative Commons, making it easy to share with your colleagues
This Fair Use Evaluator can give you a time-stamped printout of your evaluation for your files.

Codes of Best Practice- Slide 48
Code of Best Practices for Academic and Research Libraries
Video Round Table Best Practices for Fair Use and Video
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use in Media Literacy Education
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OpenCourseWare
Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use of Orphan Works for Libraries & Archives

Good resources for the TEACH Act- Slide 50
ALA: The TEACH Act and some Frequently Asked Questions
Copyright Basics: The TEACH Act

Seeking Permissions- Slide 52
The University of Oklahoma Press permission form is a good model, or visit the CCC or MPA sites.

General resources- Slide 61
Columbia’s Copyright Advisory Office
Georgia Harper’s Copyright Crash Course
ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy, Copyright Advisory Network
US Copyright Office

Blogs to follow- Slilde 62
Molly Kleinman
Kevin Smith
William Patry
Copyright Matters: Digitization and Public Access

Janet's REply to Questions raised during the webinar

3D Printing
3D printing is going to be an interesting arena for copyright and patent questions in the future. There are many things in play: the objects themselves, the files used in printing the objects, software used to run the hardware, the hardware itself, and sites where patterns can be obtained.
Here are a couple of resources to help make sense of it:
A good general introduction
Practically a mini-textbook on the whole issue; delves into the legal principles of creativity, usefulness, and severability.
An earlier look at the phenomenon

Syllabus Copyright
This one’s a matter of contention.
The AAUP has a detailed and balanced assessment of the issues.
Approaches it with a concern for plagiarism of the instructor’s work.
George Leef discusses a situation where the University of Missouri refused to release syllabi for a public’s right to know standpoint.
U Missouri states quite clearly that the majority of syllabi are owned by their authors, and defines the status of some other types of works, including what happens if the instructor leaves the institution. This would be a good model for other institutions to work from in developing similar statements.