This document covers workflows for both the local requests (your patrons requesting your items) and AFN requests (another I-Share library's patron requesting your items).
The Automated Fulfillment Network (AFN) is the name given to the Alma configurations that support allowing patrons from one I-Share institution to borrow materials directly from another I-Share institution.
Please send any suggestions for enhancements/clarification to this documentation CARLI support.
(updated 9/16/2024)
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Review the Alma/Primo VE Known Issues page.
Users need to be assigned the appropriate roles in Alma:
The Pick From Shelf List, aka Pick List (and formerly in Voyager- call slip queue) queues the requests for a library's materials, for a specific library, help library staff retrieve material from the shelves.
The Pick From Shelf list collates requests for physical items for multiple workflows in Alma, including:
For processing both AFN requests and patron local requests, the category to focus on is "Patron physical item requests."
To fill a request from the pick list:
When an institution owns multiple available copies of the same title on the same holding, Alma will accept any available copy of the title on that holding to fulfill the request. These requests will not include a barcode for a specific item attached to the request, if mutiple copies are attached to the same holdings record in Alma.
Note: This is different than a title having multiple volumes. Volume-specific requests are a different workflow.
How to detect these requests:
Steps to fill these request with the appropriate item:
When an institution owns multiple available copies of the same title, on different holdings, it is possible to have Alma transfer the request between holdings if the material(s) in the originally-requested location are unavailable.
How to detect these requests:
Steps to fill these request with the appropriate item:
If the request contains patron-added volume information, Alma will be unable to confirm (on its own) that a specific item owned by the library receiving the request will be able to fill it; the request will need staff intervention.
How to detect these requests:
Steps to fill these request with the appropriate item:
Since the volume field in the request form is a free-text field, a patron could potentially enter multiple volume numbers into a single request. However, Alma can only send one item per request.
Below are steps to fill the initial request for one item, and steps for staff to place and fill additional requests for the additional requested volumes. This workflow should work for both your own local patrons placing such a request, or an I-Share patron placing such a request.
If your library CAN fill an additional request for other volume(s) requested by the patron:
If your library CANNOT fill an additional request for other volume(s) requested by the patron:
Since the volume field in the request form is a free-text field, which requires the patron to manually input their desired volume, patrons may forget to input that volume information.
From talking with staff at the I-Share libraries during the "Let's Talk About Fulfillment" sessions, many library staff are choosing one of two options, outlined below.
Option 1) Send all volumes for the title: When the multi-volume set was a small number of volumes, such as 2 or 3, many libraries are choosing to automatically send all volumes for the title, rather than taking the additional step of contacting the patron.
You can send multiple volumes using the directions above for: Patron requested multiple volumes of a title in a single request (even though there is no volume information entered into the request itself).
Option 2) Contact the requesting patron to inquire which volume(s) they had intended to request. To contact the patron to ask which volume(s), here are the steps to find the requesting patron's email address or phone number:
The directions for local patrons vary depending on several factors including, 1) The patron's user group is I-Share eligible, 2) Your library is participating in AFN lending/borrowing, and 3) The material is of a type that can be requested through I-Share.
Cancel Workflow
When your library has a local request that you are unable to fulfill, and you are also unable to convert it into an I-Share Resource Sharing request, you can cancel the request from the Fulfillment> Pick from Shelf screen. Before canceling, double-check that the request is a "Patron physical item request."
You can also confirm that the request is a local request because the request on the Pick from Shelf screen will not mention the Network Identifiers (See the Request by I-Share Patrons section below for an example of network identifiers). The patron may have also selected your institution as the Pickup Institution.
Convert Workflow
When your library has a local request that you are unable to fill, where the request was placed by an I-Share eligible patron, where the patron selected your institution as the Pickup Institution*, and your library is lending/borrowing through the AFN, your library can convert it into an I-Share Resource Sharing request.
*If the patron selected another I-Share library as their pick-up location, staff will want to place a new I-Share request for the patron using the steps on this page under "Staff Workflow for Placing Requests on Behalf of a Patron" and then cancel the original request using the Cancellation step above. Alma cannot directly convert a local request into an AFN resource sharing request, if the patron's pick-up institution is another I-Share library.
Library staff must have either the Fulfillment Services Manager or Fulfillment Services Operator role scoped to the Resource Sharing Library to convert requests.
When you are unable to fill a request for an I-Share patron, "canceling" the request is the process used by Alma to promote the request to the next I-Share library in the lender string.
You can tell a request is an I-Share request when it is a patron physical item request AND it contains Fulfillment Network Borrowing identifiers. See secreenshot below for the location of those identifiers.
See How To: Fulfillment in Alma for more step-by-step directions.
As the patron's I-Share requests progress through the system, the request status in the Fulfillment> Borrowing Requests list does not update beyond "Request sent to partner."
The best place for you, as a library staff member, to see the status of the request is in the patron's record in Alma.
The patron should also be able to see these more accurate statuses in Primo VE, but, they'd need to look under the specific I-Share library in their list, that is sending the material.
Looking at the ROTA for the request can provide a little additional information, primarily if the request has moved beyond the initial library where the request was sent, but seeing the ROTA itself also doesn't let you know more about the current status of the request beyond which library it is/was last in the pick from shelf queue.
To see the Rota for the request:
Use the Request button to place local requests, where your patron is requesting your library's item, for pick-up at either your library, or at another I-Share library.
Use the Resource Sharing Request button to place an I-Share request for another I-Share library's copy of a title owned by your library.
The request can be picked-up at either your library, or at another I-Share library.
Use the Resource Sharing Request button to place an I-Share request for another I-Share library's copy of a title owned by your library.
The request can be picked-up at either your library, or at another I-Share library.
Alma has an internal hold shelf list, where library staff can review the materials that are On Hold for pick-up at their library. Voyager did not have this functionality.
With the inclusion of these internal hold shelf lists, there are extra steps and extra options when working with materials on hold.
The directions below are for the hold shelf at library circulation desks, where the desk is NOT a Reading Room; Reading Room desks have alternate options and workflows.
Ex Libris Hold Shelf Management Documentation
The hold shelf includes both local and I-Share material on hold at the circulation desk for patrons.
To view the hold shelf lists:
To tell the difference between a local item and an I-Share item on hold:
If a patron notifies you that they do not want an item that is on the hold shelf, but the hold shelf period has not yet expired:
If a patron notifies you that they do not want an item that is on the hold shelf, but the hold shelf period has not yet expired, you have multiple options:
Option 1: Expire the hold
Option 2: Cancel the request
When an item's hold period expires, it will still be listed on the Active Hold Shelf List, but it will ALSO be listed on one of the tabs on the Expired Hold Shelf Items page. Each business day when delivery is available, library staff should check the Expired Hold Shelf for material to return to the item's home institution.
If the hold has expired for an item that belongs to another I-Share library, that item will be listed on the "Sent to Institution" tab.
When an item's hold period expires, it will still be listed on the Active Hold Shelf List, but it will ALSO be listed on one of the tabs on the Expired Hold Shelf Items page. Each business day, library staff should check the Expired Hold Shelf for material to return to the item's home library.
If the hold has expired for a local item that belongs to another branch library, that item will be listed on the "Sent to Library" tab.
When an item's hold period expires, it will still be listed on the Active Hold Shelf List, but it will ALSO be listed on one of the tabs on the Expired Hold Shelf Items page. Each business day, library staff should check the Expired Hold Shelf for material to reshelve.
If the hold has expired for an item that belongs to the library where the item was on hold, that item will be listed on the "Reshelve" tab.
Library staff can extend the hold expiration date for both local and I-Share materials, as needed.
Forthcoming. In the mean time, please review: Ex Libris Hold Shelf Management Documentation
Please email the CARLI Office at and we will assist with adjusting your Alma Configuration.