The overdue and lost loan profiles monitor long overdue loans and turn them into lost loans when applicable. The profiles send progressive reminders to the patron as well as creating fees and user blocks. The profile setup allows for flexibility to apply the rules based on type of loan and the amount of time that the loan is overdue. Library staff can easily configure to five different letter texts for overdue notices; Alma then uses a second letter to notify patrons when the item's status is converted to lost.
To configure the Overdue and Lost settings at your institution, you will need to complete the 4 steps below.
Recorded Overview Webinar
In this webinar, CARLI Office staff discuss the steps to configure Alma's Overdue and Lost Loan Rules, as well as demonstrating how to configure the Alma patron-facing letters associated with those rules.
updated 4/17/2020
In Alma, there are both library-staff assigned, and system assigned patron blocks. User blocks restrict a patron from using library services.
Question: Why are we setting up (at least the required I-Share) User Block Definitions and Descriptions now?
Answer: The Overdue and Lost Loan rules provide the option to apply a user block as a consequence of items reaching overdue status.
CARLI Office staff will add these required settings to your institution's Alma Configuration> Fulfillment> Patron Configurations> User Block Description, and User Block Definition
Please do NOT modify or delete these settings as they are used in consortial policy to provide consistency for I-Share patron transactions across the consortium.
User Block Description:
The description, added first, is used by the User Block Definition. The description provides the wording used to describe the block to library staff; it is visible in drop-down menus in Alma.
User Block Definition:
The definition, added second, determines the conditions of the patron's block.
Each I-Share institution may add additional user blocks to your Alma Configuration, as desired.
User Block Description:
The description, added first, is used by the User Block Definition. The description provides the wording used to describe the block to library staff; it is visible in drop-down menus in Alma.
User Block Definition:
The definition, added second, determines the conditions of the patron's block.
Review the Ex Libris documentation for Patron Configurations: Adding User Block Definitions for an explanation on each setting in the definition.
Overdue and Lost Loan Rules can be configured to send warning notifications to a patron that their loan is overdue.
They can also be configured to apply a block to the patron record, mark the overdue loan as lost, and/or assess the lost replacement fines to the transaction.
Overdue and Lost Loan Rules are configured at the institutional level, in Configuration> Physical Fulfillment> Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles.
In Voyager, these settings were determined in the SysAdmin circulation matrix entry Intervals tab for each patron group/item type combination.
In Alma, you determine when patrons receive overdue and lost notifications by setting up Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles.
CARLI Office staff will add these required profiles to your institution's Alma Configuration.
Please do not modify or delete these settings as they are used in consortial policy to provide consistency for I-Share patron transactions across the consortium (one local decision for the I-Share policies is described below).
These three profiles apply to I-Share patrons borrowing material from your library.
Review the Ex Libris documentation for Configuring Overdue and Lost Loan Profiles for an explanation on each setting in the profile.
I-Share libraries with Alma Certified staff may add the rules in Alma Configuration at the institutional level> Fulfillment> Physical Fulfillment> Overdue and Lost Loan Profile> select "Add Overdue and Lost Loan Profile to open the configuration screen.
I-Share libraries that would like the CARLI Office to assist in entering a basic set of rules for their local patrons may fill out this form.
There are slightly different options when creating an Overdue Notification Rule vs. a Lost Rule.
After saving a new rule, or edits to an existing rule, you will see a message recommending that you run the rule with a status update.
This runs the rule without creating notices for patrons, updating records to lost, or creating fines/fees.
Those transactions that would have been eligible for the rule are "marked" to prevent them from being updated by future runs of that new/updated rule as well.
Alma utilizes two letters to format and send notifications to patrons for the Overdue and Lost Loan Rules; these letters include consortially customized components.
On 4/13/2020, the CARLI Office staff pushed the consortially customized version of the two letters utilized by the Overdue and Lost Loan Rules from the Network Zone.
Example letters for I-Share patrons:
Optional Local Decisions:
Alongside the I-Share Overdue Lost Loan settings, libraries can customize letters to deliver their own Overdue and Lost Loan messaging to local patrons. Below are 3 scenarios for modifying this text.
As mentioned above, Alma allows for 5 different types of Overdue And Lost Loan Notifications, plus 1 Change to Lost notification. These are managed by 2 different letters in Alma. The 5 Overdue And Lost Notifications are sent out in the Ful Overdue And Lost Loan Notification Letter, while the Lost notification is sent in the Ful Overdue And Lost Loan Letter.
Libraries can write their own messages to accompany these 5 different notifications and 1 lost notification without worrying about altering the I-Share Overdue and Lost Loan notifications. This can be done via the Labels section in each of these two letters.
The edit above will modify the text for Overdue Notification 1, as demonstrated in the example letter below.
These edits can be made for each individual notification type.
Scenario 2: Editing Letter XML when your library requires more Overdue And Lost Loan messages than available by default
Alma offers 5 Overdue Notifications and 1 Lost Notification by default. However, it is possible to edit the XSL code for a letter to send different messages to different user groups. For example, the code below is a snippet of how Alma knows to send I-Share patrons a specific message:
<xsl:for-each select="notification_data">
<xsl:if test="/notification_data/notification_type='OverdueNotificationType1'">
<xsl:when test="(/notification_data/receivers/receiver/user/user_group='IShare')">
<!--Begin overdue_notice_1 text for user_group 'IShare'-->
<xsl:text>The item(s) listed in this email are now 7 days overdue. When the item(s) are overdue by 21 days, your library account will be blocked at the item’s owning institution until the item(s) are returned. Please return the item(s) at your earliest convenience or contact the library.
<!--End IShare text-->
<!--Begin overdue_notice_1 text for all Other patrons-->
<!--End Other text-->
</xsl:for-each>The XSL code for each letter can be edited under the Template tab for the letter. Contact CARLI for additional assistance with editing letter XSL.