Revised January 16, 2025
Alma Administration Certification
Alma Certification is the process by which a library staff member is granted permission to make changes to the configuration settings in Alma. Alma Configuration is analogous to the Voyager System Administration settings.
Before a staff member at your library is given access to the Alma configuration settings, they will need to review the training video series and pass the certification exam. More information is available on the Ex Libris Alma Administration Certification Overview website.
- If possible, Ex Libris recommends that each library have at least two staff members pass Alma Administration certification so that more than one person is able to make changes to the configuration settings in each library.
- In our consortial environment, CARLI staff are certified and will also have access to all I-Share libraries' Alma configuration settings so that we can make adjustments on your library's behalf (with your input) as needed.
- Certification is required before a staff member at your library is given access to make changes to the configuration settings; however, completing certification is NOT a requirement for your library staff to use Alma/Primo VE, nor to complete the migration to Alma/Primo VE.
- The certification videos help explain and define the functional areas of Alma, and can be a useful tool for seeing how Alma is configured. However, the certification training videos are not task-based how-to training; that kind of training will come later.
Primo VE Administration Certification
Primo VE Certification is important training for any library staff member that will be making changes to the configuration settings for Primo VE. More information is available on the Ex Libris Primo VE Administration Certification Overview website.
- Ex Libris recommends that each library have at least one staff members pass Primo VE Administration certification.
- In our consortial environment, CARLI staff are certified and will also have access to all I-Share libraries' configuration settings so that we can make adjustments on your library's behalf (with your input) as needed.
How to Obtain Certification
- Determine which staff at your library should become Alma Certified, and which should become Primo VE Certified.
- Libraries are not limited by the Ex Libris recommended number of certified staff.
- More staff can become certified at your library, if desired.
- CARLI Office staff can assist with configuration setting adjustments, whether or not your library has any Alma and/or Primo VE certified staff.
- I-Share library staff watch the self-paced, online training videos for Alma and/or Primo VE.
- You may watch the videos in your preferred topical order.
- This Alma Training Tracker spreadsheet may help you schedule your video viewing sessions and track your progress. It contains tabs and links for Alma Essentials, Primo VE basics, Alma Certification, Primo VE Certification, and more! Feel free to download and adjust for your library's needs. Many thanks to Cathy Mayer and Cindy Bowen from Trinity Christian College for sharing!
- If you would like to practice any of the techniques used in the training videos, we strongly encourage you to use one of the CARLI's Alma Sandboxes rather than your institution's production Alma environment.
- When ready to take the certification test, I-Share library staff must register for an individual Ex Libris Support Portal Account.
- To register click "Register" on the left under "Need Access?"
- Enter the required information. Under "Organization Name" enter your Institution Name.
- Follow instructions to set password.
- After registering, email CARLI Support and request that the email you registered be associated with your Institution in the Ex Libris Support Portal. Once you hear back from CARLI that this step is completed you will be able to continue with the remaining steps.
- Return to the Alma Certification Overview or Primo VE Certification Overview page and click the link under "Ready to Take the Certification" for the Library Software Academy, then use the login you created to login using the SSO link.
- Select which Certification you would like to enroll in by clicking on the appropriate tile for Alma Certification or Primo VE Certification (or both).
- The Certification course includes information that will be useful to review before taking the exam, but it is not required to review before taking and completing the exam.
- After passing a Certification exam, library staff should email CARLI Support to let us know.
- We do not need to know your score, only that you have passed!
- Ex Libris does not inform CARLI about anyone who has taken and passed the certification exam.