Millions of items are charged and discharged across our Circulation desks as well as sent all over the state and beyond. It’s inevitable that items will end up damaged from use. Some items will be slightly damaged and can still be loaned. Others will be damaged beyond repair. In order to keep track of the condition of items, the following practices are recommended.
**Included at the end of this document you will find a handy checklist that you can copy and use to create your own streamer/insert/Post-It note, etc. for noting the condition of items. **
See also: Choosing which ILL Policy governs Lost/Damaged Fines/Fees
updated 7/22/2021
You can add a pop-up item note that will display during fulfillment activities, such as scanning in items, checking out items, and the like:
The note will pop up during fulfillment activities, including such activities at other institutions. (That is, it'll pop up when you check out an I-Share book.)
Before Returning the Item:
It is always best to notice new damage before returning the item. Make it a part of your routine, and the routine of all circulation staff, to examine items before returning them.
After Returning the Item:
NOTE: If the Return Items page has been closed, the patron record is no longer connected to the item.
You can add a pop-up item note that will display during fulfillment activities, such as scanning in items, checking out items, and the like:
The note will pop up during fulfillment activities, including such activities at other institutions. (That is, it'll pop up when you check out an I-Share book.)
Before Discharging:
Before Discharging:
After Discharging:
Please feel free to copy this idea to create your own streamer, bookstrap, insert, or sticky note.
ILL CONDITION REPORT- INSTITUTION Date:__________ Staff Initials:__________
This item was received/lent (circle appropriate) in the following condition:
_____ Loose, stained, or torn pages
_____ Cover torn
_____ Missing pages
_____ Worn/damaged spine
_____ Water/mildew damage
_____ Marker/highlighter/pen/pencil marks
_____ Chewed
_____ Damaged/Cracked case
_____ Other: _____________________________________________________________
Give to mending when returned? Yes/No (circle appropriate)