These guidelines apply to the provision of access to electronic resources licensed through CARLI. CARLI members that are affiliated with hospitals and/or clinics must be able to separate e-resource access for their educational programs from those of the hospital’s clinical programs. CARLI’s e-resource licenses do not extend to hospital and clinic staff unless those staff have current teaching or academic appointments. Content vendors consider clinical staff to be a different user group and pricing for them is based on a different model (i.e., student FTEs for academic institutions vs. bed count for hospitals).
The CARLI Membership Agreement states that member institutions agree “To act in accordance with all terms and conditions of contractual agreements made by CARLI and its business and contractual agent, the University of Illinois, on behalf of member libraries, and to accept responsibility for the acts or omissions of its own employees related to such agreements.” For CARLI members that are affiliated with hospitals and clinics, CARLI expects that the following guidelines will be observed to ensure compliance with e-resource license terms that define authorized users:
CARLI members found to be in violation of these guidelines may be subject to additional costs and/or contractual restrictions, including loss of access to CARLI brokered e-resource content. In addition, their membership status within CARLI may be subject to further review.
Approved by the CARLI Board of Directors, March 10, 2017