Direct offers are those made by vendors to CARLI member libraries. These will not be brokered by CARLI through a central subscription or purchase/license agreement. Libraries will need to contact the vendors directly and identify themselves as CARLI member libraries to be eligible to receive the stated discount or special offer.
Please send a note to CARLI support if you contact a vendor and are told that the offer is no longer available.
Offers currently available:
Docuseek will offer a 15% discount year around for CARLI members. You must mention CARLI when subscribing. For more information, email Elena Wayne, (847-537-0606).
Salem Press is offering CARLI libraries a discount on the purchase of bundled online or online + print content. The consortial discounts are 25% for online only bundles and 20% for online + print bundles. Here is the complete offer to CARLI libraries.
This offer was sent out to the e-resource contact and ccg listservs on 3/23/21. For more information or to make a purchase please contact Jim Wright, General Manager (201-968-0507).