On Friday, October 16, 2020, CARLI Digital Collections will move to the new Responsive CONTENTdm website. The interface will have an updated look that is more accessible and responsive to viewing on any size screen while maintaining the core site functionality.
CARLI Digital Collections is a repository for digital content created by CARLI member libraries, or purchased by CARLI for use by its members. CARLI Digital Collections runs on the OCLC CONTENTdm software and is hosted by OCLC.
There are several benefits to the new CONTENTdm Responsive website:
Below are some links to help you compare the current 6.10 legacy site with the new Responsive site:
You can PREVIEW your collection home pages at: https://collections.carli.illinois.edu/digital/collection/xxx_alias
You can PREVIEW your collection browse pages at: https://collections.carli.illinois.edu/digital/collection/xxx_alias/search
(where xxx is your three-letter CARLI code and "alias" is the short collection alias)
There is no need to change any bookmarks or saved URLs. All existing CARLI Digital Collections URLs will automatically redirect to the new Responsive site when we go live on the morning of October 16. In addition, all URLs that begin with http will automatically redirect to https.
UPDATE 10/13: If you have used the "Favorites" feature in the old site, you should Export any Favorites you have marked as a PowerPoint file saved to your computer before October 16. Favorites is a cookie-based browser feature of the old site for users to save image thumbnail views, links to the images, and item metadata. Because the Favorites are saved with cookies between your local browser and the old site, any Favorites will be lost with the update to the new site unless you have saved them locally in a PowerPoint file. For instructions on saving Favorites to a PowerPoint file, see CARLI Digital Collections New Look and Favorites.
CARLI staff are currently working on transferring all collection homepage content from the old site to the new Responsive site. That process is not yet complete, but you can PREVIEW the new site now if you wish to get familiar with it or update any instruction documentation. There is no need to report problems to CARLI about collection homepage contents before October 16 in order to give us time to complete the work.
If you have any questions, please contact CARLI Support.