Hosted by the CARLI Created Content Committee, this series of three webinars provides CARLI members with an overview of linked data, how it exists within the context of the library, and a few examples of library projects that leverage linked data.
Presentations were recorded in Spring 2019.
Overview and Basics - Linked Data: the view from 30,000 feet

This webinar provides an overview of the basic characteristics of linked data, and how it exists on the web.
Presenter: Jodi Schneider, Assistant Professor at the School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She studies the science of science through the lens of arguments, evidence, and persuasion, and is developing Linked Data approaches to manage scientific evidence.
Recorded on February 7, 2019. ~53 minutes
Webinar slides
Linked Data in the Library

This webinar addresses the use of linked data in libraries, with a focus on BIBFRAME and the linked data capabilities of Alma.
- Laura Akerman is co-chair of the IGeLU-ELUNA Linked Open Data Working Group, representing the interests of Ex Libris customers. She is also Discovery Systems and Metadata Librarian at Emory University, product manager for their Primo discovery system, and her previous roles at Emory have included a linked data learning group and pilot project.
- Jodi Williamschen, Senior Technical Metadata Standards Specialist, joined the Library of Congress in 2017. She is a metadata standards specialist in the Network Development and MARC Standards Office, where she works on BIBFRAME with catalogers and developers. Prior to joining the Library, Jodi spent 21 years at Innovative Interfaces in a variety of roles, most recently as Product Manager for the SkyRiver bibliographic utility.
Recorded on February 19, 2019. ~54 minutes
Laura Akerman's Slides: Linked Data Features in Ex Libris's Alma and Primo (recording: 01:28-25:20)
Jodi Williamschen's Slides: BIBFRAME at the Library of Congress (recording: 26:01-53:56)
Linked Data Projects

This webinar discussed two library linked data projects: the use of Library of Congress linked data for authority reconciliation during a metadata cleanup project, and a digital collection of dime novels that uses linked data for metadata enhancement.
- Greer Martin is the Metadata Technologies Librarian at Loyola University Chicago. She coordinates metadata creation, enhancement, and transformation across library platforms to promote interoperability and discovery, and has managed metadata migration projects for digital collection and archival records management systems.
- Demian Katz is the Director of Library Technology at Villanova University's Falvey Memorial Library, the lead developer on the VuFind project, and the Area Chair for Children's/YA Series Books and Dime Novels for the Popular Culture Association. He splits his time between developing open source software for libraries and researching and preserving 19th century popular culture.
- Matthew Short is the Digital Collections & Metadata Librarian at Northern Illinois University. He’s been cataloging, digitizing, and writing about dime novels since 2012.
Recorded on March 5, 2019. ~60 minutes
Greer Martin's slides: "Metadata Cleanup with Linked Data and OpenRefine" (recording: 01:27-23:40)
Demian Katz's and Matthew Short's slides: "Linked Open Dime Novels; or, 19th Century Fiction and 21st Century Data" (recording: 23:45-44:18)