Finding water in a library setting is an unwelcome surprise. Depending on a person’s level of experience and the size of the leak, staff reactions to a water disaster can vary. To minimize stress and ease uncertainty, Northwestern University Libraries created a one-page water disaster poster to aid staff response.
Staff who first identify a leak may not have diaster response training or may have limited experience dealing with a water disaster. Oftentimes it is security personnel, housekeeping staff, contractors, or student workers who first find a leak or flood. Even for experienced staff, the poster can serve as a reminder on how to respond to a disaster, who to contact for help, and where disaster supplies are located in the building.
These posters are placed on every floor in the library with the goal of making this information easily accessible. The poster is broken up into three steps. The person who first detects a leak or flood is asked to quickly assess the situation while keeping personal safety in mind as the first step. The second step is to contact the appropriate staff. The third step is to minimize damage to the collections.
Two tips that we have found helpful:
The first tip is to include afterhours contact information. Leaks will inevitable happen overnight or on a weekend, and a swift response will lessen the damage to collections. The second tip is to include a date on the poster. Procedures and contacts change over time. A date can help you quickly identify older posters.
A disaster response poster should be customized to your institutional needs. Water is a common issue within libraries, but your institution may have other areas of concern. All disasters have similarities, but each library has its own set of challenges.
Continue to the next article "Emergency Contact List on Campus"