Presented by Carla Pfahl, Outreach & Instruction Librarian / Coordinator, Minitex; Ashley Alexander, Organization Development and Learning Associate, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Francine Alt-Greene, IT Project Manager, Hennepin County Library; Sarah Anderson, Technical Support & Developer, Information Technology (IT), Minitex
Libraries very often have project-based work that calls upon its current staff to provide the necessary skills to complete. This series of 6 webinars will introduce library staff to the concept of what a project is and the basics of project management. This series will break out the various levels of a project from start up, planning, execution, monitoring, to closing out with each session. Project management terminology and methodologies will be discussed. Presenters have experience managing a variety of projects and represent public, academic, and consortial libraries in Minnesota. Join us for all sessions or some of the sessions in the series.
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