Presented by Marcellaus Joiner, Leander Crocker, Joan Williams, and LaJuan Pringle from NCLA REMCo Board.
There is an age-old African proverb that says, "it takes a village to raise a child." Does it take a village to raise a librarian of color? Mentorship is the cornerstone to the recruitment and the retention of librarians of color to the field of librarianship. REMCo's mission statement, "The Round Table for Ethnic Minority Concerns (REMCo) is a round table for North Carolina Library Association that serves as a voice for ethnic and minority members. REMCo strives to improve service to and in some cases even initiate service for the ethnic communities that we all serve." is the village manifested. Join members of The REMCo Executive Board as they give a candid and open discussion about their personal experiences of being mentored, being a mentor, their thoughts on how mentorship plays into retention, and recruitment of librarians of color. This session is part of the NC LIVE DEIA Learning Series - a variety of webinars in June dedicated to showcasing the efforts of our member libraries in advancing equity and inclusion.
Learn about other sessions in this series.
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