Hear how Audrey Welber spearheaded Princeton's Personal Librarian Program in 2017 and leveraged technology to strengthen and grow the program. During her presentation, she will walk us through the program's genesis, address the pitfalls encountered along the way, and reveal the solutions that led to its huge success among Princeton’s undergraduates. She will also share some exciting refinements and expansions to this robust outreach, including a subset of the program focusing on student athletes (requested by Princeton’s Academic-Athletic Affairs Department) and the wildly successful "anti-procrastination" events. Get lots of concrete tips and ideas.
Presenter: Audrey B. Welber
In her role as Princeton's Librarian for Teaching and Research, Audrey coordinates the library's collaboration with the First Year Writing Program, leads the "Personal Librarian" outreach, teaches Zotero/reference management software, and is the liaison to the Journalism program. In past semesters, joining her interest in music and writing, Audrey taught a Writing Seminar entitled "Jazz, Improvisation, and Culture."
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