PDA Event: Library of Congress Subject Heading Authority Work

Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Elissah Becknell will kick off the Engaging with Critical Cataloging Past and Present webinar series with an introduction to Library of Congress subject authority work. Learn how Library of Congress Subject Headings are updated and maintained in the Library of Congress Authority File. Make sense of how different groups like the Program for Cooperative Cataloging SACO Funnels and the ALA Subject Authority Committee work with the Library of Congress to update and grow the subject authority file. See how past radical cataloging projects, like the Hennepin County Library Bulletins and Authority File, have informed and inspired current critical cataloging projects. Get inspired to do this work or get excited for later presentations in this series!

This Engaging with Critical Cataloging Past and Present webinar series will introduce Library of Congress Subject Headings from the perspective of catalogers engaged in subject authority work. Learn about some of the key historical figures and projects in Minnesota radical cataloging. Hear from contemporary catalogers inspired by this radical history to continue working towards critical, equitable, and respectful cataloging standards. Please register for all the sessions you are interested in attending.


Elissah Becknell is the Cataloging & Metadata Education Librarian at Minitex in the Digital Initiatives & Metadata Education unit. She develops and presents training on library cataloging and metadata standards for library workers across the midwest. She received her MLIS from the University of Saint Catherine. 

Register to attend this session or register to attend all sessions of interest in this series.

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