Would you like to be part of the solution to creating a functional library work environment with workplace communications that are complete and clear? During this webinar, the presenters will take you through the journey of their groundbreaking books Cultivating Civility and The Dysfunctional Library. Hear their insights, suggestions, and solutions to a problem that has plagued some libraries for decades.
Joe Eshleman is the Adult Services Librarian at the Hartford Public Library. Throughout his 15-year career in libraries he has focused on topics that help library workers reflect on their roles to help them collaborate. In addition to co-authoring other books, he is a co-author of Cultivating Civility and The Dysfunctional Library.
Jo Henry, Reference and Instruction Librarian at Horry-Georgetown Technical College, has focused her writings and presentations on topics related to academic librarianship, mindfulness, and civility. Most recently, she has co-authored Cultivating Civility and The Dysfunctional Library.
Dr. Richard Moniz, Director of Library Services at Horry-Georgetown Technical College, has spent over 25 years in library leadership at private and public institutions of higher education and has been an MLIS instructor for more than 15 years at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Dr. Moniz has authored and co-authored numerous books including Cultivating Civility and The Dysfunctional Library.
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