This presentation showcases how colleges and universities across the U.S. are utilizing cHQacademic's award-winning tools to simplify big data processing, analysis, and decision-making. With its proven Evidence-Based Stock Management (EBSM) methodology, cHQacademic makes managing big data both effective and effortless. James Rhoades, Associate Director of Resource Acquisition and Description from the University of Virginia, will share his firsthand experience working with the collectionHQ team and why UVA chose cHQacademic to be their library partner.
Jamie Wright began his academic career with McGraw-Hill Education before transitioning to collectionHQ in 2014. Starting as an Account Manager, Jamie advanced into a management role in 2020 and currently leads a global team of eight Customer Success Managers. Together, they support over 8,000 libraries worldwide, ensuring exceptional client success and satisfaction.
In 2024, Jamie spearheaded the development of cHQacademic, an innovative academic software data analytics tool that has since received industry recognition as an award-winning solution. His journey reflects a passion for driving innovation in the academic and public library sectors while fostering meaningful client relationships on a global scale.
Over the past 19 years, James Rhoades has served in various leadership roles at four R1 academic institutes in both public and technical services. His most recent roles have focused on collection acquisition and management of print and electronic resources. He is currently the Associate Director of Resource Acquisition & Description at the University of Virginia Library System in Charlottesville, VA. Prior appointments include Assistant Director of Continuing & Electronic Resources at Virginia Tech University Libraries Blacksburg, VA, Social Science Librarian and Collection Development Coordinator at Old Dominion University Libraries Norfolk, VA, and Faculty & Graduate Librarian at Florida State University Libraries Tallahassee, FL.
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Hosted by ASERL