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Driven to democratize access to emerging technologies and the knowledge it affords, the Academic Library is well positioned to provide access to 3D Printing services to support the design learning pedagogy in higher education. Additive manufacturing technologies allow you to design, 3D print, and test your design in real time. In this 2-part series, you will learn about 3D Printing and develop an understanding for how the technologies can be implemented in the Academic Library.
Elisandro Cabada is an Assistant Professor and the Medical and Bioengineering Librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where he provides emerging technology services to support higher education. His research interests include studying the barriers to access, pedagogical affordances, and application of emerging and immersive technologies in research and instruction. Elisandro is a recipient of the 2021 Best Emerging Technology Award, awarded by the ALA RUSA Emerging Technologies Section.
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